Party: Boarstack, Ilidan, Gileas, Jax, Kelderrin, Rolann, Nord
XP: 2,429

A Mountain Adventure

“Drop into a whimsical world filled with thrilling adventure”

As the party travels by airship to Citadel Felbarr, they are stopped by an Aarakocra flock.  After paying their demands with a magically conjured gem, the party continues to Citadel Felbarr.  Citadel Felbarr allows the party to stock up on various items.  Illidan mentions that some drow stole the Fire Primordial from Gauntylgrym.  There is a reward for the return of the Fire Primordial.

The party travels to the Icy Spires.  The tall mountain has a pair of adamantine doors at the bottom and a carved staircase that leads to a village at the top of the mountain.  The party decides to approach from the top.

At the crown of the mountain, the party encounters a village of Yakfolk.  Gileas uses mass suggestion to persuade the chief to help the party enter Ironslag dungeon.  Along the way, Jax uses his persuasive ability (and Rolann’s coin) to free some enslaved Moon Elves, including a Moon Elf princess.  The Moon Elf princess warn that the Yakfolk have the ability to possess the flesh (or take over the flesh) of others and that Citadel Adbar is in danger.  Jax suggests that she return to the airship and warn Citadel Adbar before returning home.  The elf princess is all breathless and grateful to Jax (who is too much of a gentleman to take advantage of the situation).

The Yakfolkk chief takes them to an elevator that descends into the depths of the Ironslag dungeon.  Upon reaching the third floor, the party gets off the elevator.

The party encounters two salamanders supervising a chain-gang of dwarves and gnomes.  After eliminating the salamanders, the party free the dwarves and gnomes.  Gileas gives a rousing speech about the day of reckoning, and a perky female gnome (Wiri) decides to join the group.

Wiri leads them to a large structure of towers, chains and metal buckets that move iron ore from the mineshafts into other parts of Ironslag.  These buckets rise into the air and traverse the inhospitably fiery terrain below.  After dispatching a salamander guard, the party jumps on to these buckets while Illidan takes a walk on the ceiling with his spider shoes.

The rotating buckets take the party to a fire giant watching over some orc laborers.  Boarstack, Illidan, Jax, Nord and Rolann slay the fire giant and Nord persuades the orcs to back down.

The elevator is nearby and the party can see onto the bottom floor.  There are a number of workers assembling a gigantic golem suspended by chains.  Hell-hounds and fire giants from the bottom floor, including an intimidating fire giant wielding a maul that cages a hapless dwarf within.



The slow and steady journey of the airship was interrupted by an Aarakocra flock demanding a toll.  To avoid traffic, Kelderrin used a bit of magic to pay the Aarakocra toll attendant.  The rest of the journey to Citadel Felbarr was peaceful and only disturbed by the gnome’s constant question of:  “Are we there yet?”

While taking a pitstop at Citadel Felbarr, the group stocked up on goodies for their upcoming adventure.  Gileas’ negotiating skills were so impressive that a merchant gave him a free magical stone called the Guide.  They got back into the airship and continued on to the Icy Spires.

The party decided to enter the Ironslag from the upper levels, hoping that parking might be easier.  Unfortunately, they still couldn’t find a spot for their airship, so the dragon cultists were kind enough to drop them off.

As they arrived onto the top floor, the magical Guide stone crackled to life:  “Travel along Ironslag and behold a cast of almost 300 NPCs representing races from every corner of the globe as they sing the classic anthem to world peace—in their native languages.”

“What is that?” Boarstack demanded.

“Something a merchant gave me for free,” Gileas admitted guiltily.

“Can you turn that thing off?” Illidan whispered harshly.

“Umm, I can’t…and it’s somehow stuck to me.” Gileas looked miserable.

Nord simply shook his head.

See the cuddly Yakfolk play with their happy Moon Elf friends and smiling Dwarf buddies!” the Guide stone announced.

On cue, the party was approached by some peace-loving Yakfolk dressed in their indigenous garb.  When the group chatted with the Yakfolk chief, Gileas made a very strong suggestion that it would be in the Yakfolk’s interest to allow the party to meet and greet the Fire Giant King Zalto.

The Yakfolk chief agreed and led them to an elevator that would bring them to the lower levels.  On their way, they passed some imprisoned Moon Elves dressed in their native garb…which was basically nothing.  The smooth talking Jax negotiated the freedom for 300 gold and for which Rolann generously donated.

As the party took the elevator down, the Guide stone spoke again.  “For your safety, keep your hands, arms, feet and legs inside the elevator – and watch your gnomes.  And no flash pictures!  Here you leave today and enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow and fantasy!

As the elevator approached the third floor, the party disembarked to find themselves in a maze of caverns.  It was not long before their next encounter.

Watch the cheerful Dwarves and Gnomes help their sweet Salamander friends!” the Guide stone called out.

The party efficiently dispatched a pair of Salamanders supervising a chain-gang of Dwarven and Gnomish slaves.  After liberating the prisoners, Gileas gave a rousing speech about the “Day of Reckoning”.  In response to this electric speech, most of them captives ran away, but Wiri, the female Gnome, decided to join the party.

Wiri gave the party a general layout of the cavern.  In particular, she explained that there is a large structure made up of iron towers, chains and buckets that transport ore overhead.  These buckets are large enough to fit two human-sized persons and it travels over the magma filled terrain.  The party discovered a loading point for the ore and eliminated the Salamander in charge of some dwarven slaves.  After another rousing speech by Gileas, the freed captives ran away.

Most of the group elect to get into the bucket, while Illidan decides to take a walk on the ceiling.  Upon sitting down in the buckets, the Guide stone sparks to life.

Your attention please.  Keep your hands inside the bucket ride.  Welcome aboard the Ironslag PC-Mover.  We’re now embarking on a grand circle tour of the Magic Dungeon, with stops at Ore Smelting Place and Fire Golem Square.  You can pay a visit to the Big Bad Boss!

The party disembarked at the next stop – which was occupied by an angry Fire Giant supervisor bossing around some disgruntled orcs.  Boarstack, Illidan, Jax, Nord and Rolann made short work of the Fire Giant.  Nord’s foreign language skills came in handy as he managed to persuasively intimidate the orcs to cease hostilities.

From their vantage point over the next cavern, the party saw a stomach-turning ride ahead of them.  A large giant-like golem hung suspended by chains.  Dozens of workers appeared to be actively assembling the golem.  Hellhounds and fire giants roamed the bottom floor.  In particular, their eyes were drawn to the colossal form of a fire giant wielding a massive iron maul that caged a dwarf within.

The Guide announced:  “Next stop, Fire Golem Square.  You will get a chance to meet one of our warmest and most engaging characters.  Remember, have fun and stay safe at Ironslag Dungeon!