Party: Seisha, Krill, Hadrioul, Honu, Maulduk, Eiric
XP: 400

Eiric returns the gem to the grateful Davian Martikov.  The party escorts Martikov’s grandsons back to Valalki.  During their travel, the party easily fends off an ambush by dire wolves.

Upon returning to Vallaki, the main party goes to the Church.  While the party travels to the Church, Seisha sees some protestors being arrested and follows them to the jail.

At the Church, the party talks with the priest Lucian.  Lucian reveals that the bones of Saint Andral have been stolen and he suspects the emo worker Milivoj is responsible.  The party interrogates Milivoj and finds out that Henrik the coffin maker paid for the bones.

The party goes to the coffin maker’s establishment.  The fearful Henrik admits that the bones are upstairs, but he is clearly afraid to go up to retrieve them.  The adventurers go upstairs and Maulduk drags Henrik with them.

Upon arriving at the top floor, they see several suspicious-looking crates.  Henrik cries out that there are vampires within the crates.  Eiric casts a shatter spell upon the boxes.

Full write-up

*the not-ready-for-film version*

In the gloom of half-dawn, the Martikov grandsons prepare to take a shipment of wine to Vallaki. The party offers to provide protection along the way. Eiric takes Davian Martikov to the side and discretely gives him the magical gem that they had recovered.

“I cannot possibly thank you enough!” the old man gasps. “If there is any reward that I can give you…”

“I will give you this favor,” Eiric interrupts him with a low and raspy voice. “Someday, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, consider this justice a gift.”

Seisha blinks in confusion at this exchange. She turns to Hadrioul. “What’s wrong with Eiric?”

“He seems fine to me. Eh, forgeddaboutit!” Hadrioul says dismissively.

On the journey east, the small caravan has a minor skirmish with some dire wolves. The rest of the trip is uneventful and they arrive safely at Vallaki.

After meeting up with Ireena Kolyana at the Blue River Inn, the group decides to visit the Church of Saint Andral. Seisha trails the party from a distance. She notices some individuals being arrested for civil unrest and taken away in paddy wagons. Seisha decides to follow them. After marking the location of the jail, Seisha decides to find the others.

Meanwhile, the main party arrives at the arched doorway of the Church of Andral. The door is answered by the Priest Lucian. Hadrioul perceptively perceives that the priest seems to be casting anxious glances at a young worker named Milivoj. With a silver coin, Hadrioul suggests that Milivoj go to find a tavern. The petulant-looking young man derisively leaves the Church.

Hadrioul returns to the priest. A quick discussion reveals that the priest suspects Milivoj of having stolen the bones of Saint Andrawl. These sacred bones ensure that the church will remain hallowed ground and protects it against evil. Lucian is unwilling to confront Milivoj about the theft. Hadrioul decides to lecture the other priest.

“Now you come to me and say: ‘Don Hadrioul, give me justice!’ But you don’t ask with respect. You don’t offer friendship. You don’t even think to call me ‘Godfather’.” Hadrioiul speaks in a gravelly voice. He picks up a stray cat and begins petting it. “Instead, you come into my house, and you ask me to do murder. For money.”

Lucian looks apprehensive and clears his throat. “Actually, this isn’t your house. And I didn’t ask you to commit murder.”

“Do not worry,” Hadrioul assures the baffled priest. “We will do this thing for you.”

Seisha leans towards Honu. “Why is Hadrioiul talking and acting so funny?”

“Seems fine to me,” the Tortle grunts.

The adventurers leave the church to find Milijov working with his shovel. He attempts to escape, but the party quickly stops him.

Hadrioul and Honu walk up to Miljov. The Tortle casts a zone of truth upon the young man.

“We need to ask you a few questions,” Honu says. “Only, don’t tell me that you’re innocent. Because it insults my intelligence and it makes me very angry.”

“Yes, I stole the bones of Saint Andral!” Milijov confesses tearfully. “I needed the money to feed my little brother and sister. So, I couldn’t refuse when someone asked me to steal it.”

Honu puts a hand over Milijov’s shoulder. “Someone asked you to do this? Now tell me, who approached you?”

“Henrik van der Voot, the coffin maker, not the coffee maker!” Milijov weeps.

“Is it me, or is Honu speaking strangely?” Seisha asks Krill.
“Shhh, I’m trying to listen and learn here,” Krill responds.

With grim determination, the party travels to Henrik’s business. They storm into the building and take Henrik in surprise.

“What do you want?” Henrik demands.

Krill raises his bow and points an arrow right at the coffinmaker’s face.

“I hoped that we would come here and reason together. And as a reasonable man, I’m willing to do whatever is necessary to find a peaceful solution,” Krill tells him with a flat tone.

“Peaceful solution???” Henrik cries out with bulging eyes. “Your pointing an arrow right in my face!!!”

“We’re looking for the bones of Saint Andral,” Krill says.

“They are upstairs!”

The party marches upstairs. Maulduk drags an unwilling Henrik along.

As they are marching up the stairs, Seisha leans in close to Maulduk. “What’s going on here? I feel like everyone else in our group is acting strange.”

Maulduk responds with a muffled grunt.

A number of suspicious looking wooden crates are spread out among the work area on the top floor. After some gentle persuasion from Maulduk, Henrik admits that there are vampires within the crates.

“Say hello to my little friend!” Eiric steps up and raises a tiny chip of mica in front of him. The artificer focuses his magical energy on the spell component.

The far side of the room explodes with the force of Eiric’s shatter spell. From the dust and debris, six pale humanoid shapes emerge. Their bloodthirsty eyes glow and their fangs gleam.

Maulduk unsheathes his sword. “Don’t worry, Seisha. I’m going to make these vampires an offer they can’t refuse!”

Seisha groans miserably.