Party: Seisha, Krill, Hadrioul, Honu, Maulduk, Eiric
XP: 8100

In less than a minute, the adventurers defeat six vampire-spawns in the attic of Henrik the coffin maker (who makes an escape during the fighting). Honu finds the object of their quest, the Bones of Saint Andral. The party spends half an hour arguing over whether to burn Henrik’s place down for being a house of sin and evil.

After Eiric destroys the front of Henrik’s residence and workplace, the group heads over to the Church of Saint Andral. The party returns the Bones of Saint Andral to the grateful priest Lucian. They also warn that the church might be the target of an attack, but Lucian can’t articulate any reason why the church is being targeted (though he does vaguely hint about the upcoming festival).

Upon the return of the Bones of Saint Andral, the church is once more hallowed ground. Lucian offers sanctuary to the party and Ireena. The party elects to rest up before their next big adventure.

Artwork by: Zsofia Dankova

Full write-up

In the aftermath of Eiric’s shatter spell, dust and splintered wood fill the musty air of Henrik’s attic. Half a dozen vampire-spawn emerge from the debris – with tattered clothing over cold grey skin. Their crimson eyes glow with unearthly hatred.

Krill reacts before everyone else in the room. In a smooth motion, Krill draws and fires two arrows over Seisha’s shoulder to strike one of the vampire-spawn.

Then the pack of bloodthirsty vampire-spawn swarmed the party. Hadrioul is surrounded by half of the vampire-spawn. They begin biting and raking him with claws…and the cleric does not seem entirely displeased by his situation. Another pair of vampire-spawn take strikes at Seisha, but she manages to deftly evade them and strikes back with her green-flamed dagger. The most foolish of the vampire-spawn attacks Honu Van Helsing.

Honu chants words of power as he presents his holy symbol to the vampire-spawn to turn them. Almost all of the vampire-spawn begin retreating from the Tortle cleric. Maulduk takes a swing at one of the vampire-spawn. His strike releases the vampire-spawn from her fear, and she grapples the barbarian. Realizing that his great sword did not seem to be quite as effective as usual, he drops the weapon in exchange for his Axe of Pruning. He strikes down with the weapon and it seems to be quite effective. Meanwhile, Seisha and Eiric take turns trying to one-up the other with their shocking grasp and eldritch attack spells. Taking a cue from Honu’s actions, Hadrioul also turns the remaining vampire-spawn (with a bit of regret) and watches it scamper away. In the chaos of the battle, Henrik also escapes.

Krill continues to pepper the vampire-spawn with his arrows while Seisha and Eiric continue to unleash their magical attacks.

“YOU NO PLANT!” Maulduk shouts at the vampire-spawn as he rains down heavy blows upon them.
Honu erects a radiant sphere of spirit guardians that sears the vampire-spawn with radiant energy and prevents them from regenerating. Hadrioul quickly follows suit with his own sphere of spirit guardians.

The fight seems to last for hours, but it all takes place in less than a minute of real time. At the end, there are six broken husks of grey-skinned vampire-spawn upon the floor. Eiric takes additional precautions to make sure that these vampire-spawn do not have any possibility of returning to unlife.
During a quick search of the house, Honu discovers a hidden compartment holding the Bones of Saint Andral. Then the party engages in a lengthy theological, moral and spiritual discussion about whether to burn down the residence and business of Henrik. Eiric arrives at a compromise by shattering the front of the building so that it cannot be entered.

The adventurers return to the Church of Saint Andral. Honu returns the ancient bones to priest Lucian, which restores the church’s status as hallowed ground. Hadrioul informs the priest that the bones were stolen to make the church accessible to an attack. Lucian seems surprised by this and cannot find a good reason. Still, the priest makes some loose reference to the upcoming festival. He offers to make the church a sanctuary for the party and Ireena, and also promises holy water for the party and milk for Maulduk.

As the party settles down to rest, the streets of Vallaki are teeming with preparations for the upcoming festival.

Short Lecture from Professor Honu

All right, class. I hope you’ve done all your assigned reading. You’ll be getting tested after my lecture. As you may recall from your texts, the undead have many properties that make them difficult to slay. Many are resistant to non-magical and un-blessed weapons. Some can regenerate their health quickly, especially if you are foolish enough to let them bite you or someone else. Use magical weapons and spells against those filthy things. Radiant damage can prevent them from regenerating. Sprinkle holy water on them so that they do not recover. Stakes through the heart are good. Also beheading. Those abominations are repelled by holy objects, so clerics are advised to turn the undead. Given that such powers have limited uses, be judicious.

Any questions? No? Good.

Oh yes, time for your practical exam. Pass/fail only. It will commence immediately after I leave the room (and lock it). One vampire-spawn for each of you. Good luck!