Party: Henrik, Torinn, Krum, Thom, Hyacinth, Belomash, Raith
XP: 2949

The party, with Reidoth the druid in tow, returns to Phandalin after their excursions to the North to find the town bustling.  Having second thoughts about turning Harbin Wester, Torinn conducts an impromptu interview at Stonehill Tavern.  After another heated discussion, the group, outside of Belomash, feels that something doesn’t smell right and releases Reidoth.

The group decides to investigate rumors of more undead on the outskirts of town.  Instead of finding zombies, they discover a Hill Giant ambush site at the old mill.  A brutal battle ensues, leaving Thom dead on the banks of the river, crushed by a boulder hurled by the giant leader.

Krumm does his best to preserve the body and they take Thom back to the Shrine of Luck, where, after passing the hat, they are able to bring him back to life (albeit with a few side effects).  The relief the feel is quickly tempered when they learn that Reidoth the druid was murdered on his way back to Thundertree.

Questions continue to pile up on the party:

  • Just what were the giants up to at the old mill ?
  • What is the cult of Talos doing in Neverwinter wood ?
  • Who is creating the undead problem ?
  • Where is the white dragon ?
  • Who murdered Reidoth the Druid ?
  • Will the party honor the agreement that Belomash made with Venomfang ?