Party: Henrik, Torinn, Krum, Thom, Hyacinth, Belomash, Raith
XP: 1245

After discovering that Reidoth the druid had been murdered, Krumm called on the druid’s ghost to find clues about what happened.   ‘A half orc skilled with a bow’ was the only description that Reidoth’s spirit could provide about the suspects.    The druid asked that he be buried at his home in Thundertree and the party agreed to make that happen.

The band took a detour on its return to Thundertree to investigate the existence of a magical sword in the tomb of the Lady Tanamere Alagondor.  Lady Tanamere, heir to the once ruling family of Neverwinter, was a legend after her defeat of Azdraka, a green dragon that had been terrorizing the sword coast.

They travelled to the Dragon Barrow, a local burial mound shaped like a dragon to the southeast of Neverwinter that was rumored to house Tanamere’s tomb.  Reaching the mound, they encountered Xanth, a friendly centaur who warned them about odd lights around the mound and heightened orcish activity in the ‘wood.

Finding a hidden entrance into the tomb, the party found themselves beset by traps and dastardly will o wisps.  After triggering a deadly trap searching a sarcophagus, some began to find their morale compass.   Perhaps tomb raiding was not an honorable path ?

Not to be deterred, they continued to explore until they found the fabled sword embedded in the skull of a dragon in Alagondor’s sepulcher.  The bone dragon roared to life when Henrik pulled the sword and asked the hero to prove his worth.   Henrik and the rest obliged and beat the dragon back into a pile of bones.

Armed with the legendary dragon slaying sword, and a skeletal riding horse, the group pushed forward to Thundertree to bury the druid Reidoth.   Afterward, the confronted a still present Venomfang, insisting that he broke their deal.   Venomfang for his part was shocked and offended at the accusation and pointed out that the adventurers themselves brought Reidoth back and planted him permanently in Thundertree.  He would be happy to leave if the group honored their bargain and rid Thundertree of Reidoth.  After much debate, Henrik scaled the worn tower and drew his sword….