A Tale of Two Dragons
Upon confronting Venomfang in his tower, the green dragon presented the party with a reasonable way to resolve their situation without conflict. The could leave the druid’s body buried in Thundertree for a simple favor that the dragon could ask of them at a later time. As a bonus, Venomfang shared the location of Cryovain, a blood thirsty white dragon that has been terrorizing Phandolin and the surrounding area for months.
The group made their way from Thundertree through Phandlin and on up to the old hold at the top of Icespire Mountain. The keep was guarded by a band of mercenaries who were charmed and run off by a trick of the bard. The party made their way cautiously through the old structure only to fall into a trap on the ice covered roof. Using kobolds as a distraction, Cryovain flew over the ramparts and took half the party down with her icy breath. The remaining adventurers scrambled, slipping and sliding to cover. Using teamwork to heal and enhance, they encircled the overconfident young dragon and gave her a series of staggering blows from wizard, paladin, and ranger. Seeking escape, Cryovain dove into the thick icy fog, but was followed by Henrik who used his dragon slaying sword to deal the final blow.
The party returned triumphantly to Phandlin where they were met with great cheer. But a question lingered in the minds of some: what would the true cost of this victory be when Venomfang called to collect his favor ?