Party: Boarstack, Ilidan, Gileas, Jax, Kelderrin, Rolann, Nord
XP: 1,985

From Ironslag to Waterdeep

One Simple Summary

When Illidan opens up the locked treasure chest, the party discovers a gold crown, gold coins, the conch of teleportation and a nasty trap.  They party requests that Adbar Shield Captain Zolman Flaxjaw mind their loot while they hurry to their next quest.  The dwarf offers to watch it for them, but King Harnoth of Adbar will make the ultimate decision.

The party goes up the elevator and discover Yakfolk blocking the entrance.  Their shaman summons two earth elementals and the Yakfolk charge in.  During the fight, Boarstack and Nord both go down twice.  Jax uses up plenty of healing potions.  Gileas heals a lot of people.  Rolann makes multiple copies of himself for distribution to the enemy.  Kelderrin tries to lure the elemental onto the elevator, but ends up casting lots of shatter spells.  The party eventually defeats the elementals and the yakfolk.

Once their enemies have been successfully vanquished, the party heads to Citadel Felbarr to recount their adventures to Queen Tithmel (along with displaying Zalto’s head).  As agreed, Queen Tithmel offers to build a citadel for the party and it will be funded by Citadel Adbar (as part of the negotiations that Tess Aderbrant pursued at Kelderrin’s request). 

The party decides to head back to Waterdeep so that Illidan can communicate with his contacts over the iron flask that held the fire primordial.  While in Waterdeep, they return to their old inn to find that the Xanathar guild had wrested ownership and renamed the place the “Laughing Eyeball”.

During their stay at the inn, they meet a number of interesting folks.  Catsy Pline, a goblin bard, plays a sad tale of how her village was burned down by some roaming band of adventurers (that included a hugging drow).  There are ogres in the corner who seem to be the Xanathar “muscle”.  J.B. Nevercott arrives to trade a little gossip.  Saeth Cromley and Barnibus Blastwind pay the party a visit as they continue to follow up on a mysterious murder of the mother of a number of Waterdeep heroes.  Illidan deals in pharmaceuticals, while the party decides what to do.