Party: Boarstack, Ilidan, Gileas, Jax, Kelderrin, Rolann, Nord
XP: 2,557

Under the Sea

Short Summary

The party teleports into a swirling underwater maelstrom.  After avoiding a plethora of sea predators, they make their way to a stronghold with breathable air.  The party explores the area and finds it mostly deserted.  In a sacred temple, the adventurers manage to accidentally cause an extremely important looking statue to plummet into a hole in the floor (via a “reduce” spell).  They make their way through the stronghold to find a room where there is a large audience of giants watching two female – one singing a song and Nym (the daughter of Hekaton) playing percussion on a giant crab.

Long Summary

A bright morning dawn finds the party gathered in Waterdeep.  Nord arrives shirtless, smiling and with ruddy scratch marks across his upper torso.  Catsy Pline’s hat rests jauntily upon his head.  Gileas finds some teleportation circles.  Jax and Kelderrin return with information suggesting that this is a diplomatic mission.  The merry adventurers make their way into a back alley, holds hands and Gileas does a great job of blowing the magical conch.  Jax and Kelderrin have this vague feeling that they forgot to do something important…

The party materializes in an underwater maelstrom of violently churning water.  Without a water breathing spell, everyone desperately holds their breath.  They get a stunning view of all the wondrous undersea life hunting for their prey in their natural habitat.  Illidan manages to pry open a grate that leads to an exit.  After fending off some sharks and orcas, Gileas, Rolann, Kelderrin and Nord follow.  They manage to make it past an enormous orca (that was reduced in size by Rolann and put to a poison-induced sleep by Illidan)

An excitable crab, named Sebastian, grabs hold of Boarstack.  While Boarstack fights to free himself, Jax comes over to help.  Unbeknown to the adventurers, the crab is singing to Boarstack in giant crab language:

Under the sea
Darling it’s better
Down where it’s wetter

Boarstack and Jax manage to defeat the crab and make their way to join the others.

The party drags themselves out of the water into a chamber with air.  Kelderrin scouts around and finds a sleeping giant laying in a pool of water.  The party decides to leave the giant undisturbed and to explore the other rooms.  They take a set of spiral staircases up to the top of a tower.  It is empty, but seems to be the room of a female giant.

They head back to the second floor and move northwards into a watery temple.  Boarstack is drawn to the fine stonework of a very powerful looking giant.  Gileas’ magic wand points him to a hidden hole under the statue and he suspects that the statue is covering up the hole.  Rolann cast a reduce spell on the statute and it drops into the hole.  They cannot return the religious artifact to its rightful place.

Judiciously, the party decides to continue exploring.  They find a scrying pool that Kelderrn uses in an attempt to find the Serissa, Hekaton and Nym.  Only Nym appears in the scrying pool – she is playing musical drums on a gigantic crab while someone croons:  “Under the Sea”.  The party goes up a different set of spiral cases to find a room with female belongings.  Gileas is tempted to steal the panties, but his better judgment (and the looks of his comrades) makes him change his mind.

They press forward to find a room where many giants are gathered to watch Nym play a musical instrument and another female giant sing.

As the party watches the Giants, a large mysterious eyeball materializes above Kelderrin and hovers over the gnome.  Kelderrin can hear the lyrics to “Eyes on Me” playing in his mind over and over again.