Party: Seisha, Krill, Hadrioul, Honu, Maulduk, Eiric
XP: Milestone

Ireena and the children leave the party, but Hadrioul buys them some horses for their trek west.

The party plans to use the youth as an excuse to access the prison and free the other prisoners. Along the way, Krill and the others get into a debate about their plan. This lengthy debate drives Maulduk insane with impatience and he vents his anger by punching the youth and killing him. The crowd sees what happens and becomes enraged. Hadrioul tries to take the boy to the Church while the rest of the party tries to lead the mob to the prison.

At the prison, a pair of guards protects the party while Seisha goes inside to free the prisoners. When the mob’s rage reaches its peak, Honu uses a calm emotions spell to settle everyone done, but one of the guards is already killed.

Krill tells Maulduk to guard the door. Somehow, Maulduk interprets this as a command to kill the guards that had attempted to save him. Maulduk’s rage crackles with necrotic energy as he kills the remaining guard.Hadrioul sees Izek, the Burgomaster’s minion, spying at the Church. He drops off the boy and then chases Izek. As Izek tries to slip into a building, Hadrioul casts a command spell to make him sit.

Full write-up

Ireena and the children prepare to take her leave of the party. Her brother has suggested that she travel further west, so she plans to stay the night at the Church and leave in the morning. Hadrioul buys a pair of horses to speed Ireena’s travel in safety.

The band of adventurers plan to use the youth to let them break free the other prisoners. The youth allows himself to be tied up and punched by Seisha. As they travel south towards the Burgomaster’s place, Krill gets into philosophical, moral and pragmatic argument with the others about their plan. As the party continues a lengthy discourse, Maulduk’s frustration and rage builds until he unleashes it on the hapless youth. Not knowing his own strength, Maulduk’s punch snaps the neck of the young man.

Hadrioul tries to heal the young boy, but to no avail.

A sick, horrified expression crawls over Maulduk’s face. He staggers backwards and cries out, “What have I done?”

Wordlessly, Hadrioul throws the boy over his back and begins making his way to the Church. The nearby citizens start surrounding the party and making threatening gestures. The party’s plan is now in ruins.

“How did this happen? We’re smarter than this!” Seisha exclaims.

“Apparently not,” Honu grumbles.

“Do you have a Plan B?”

Honu does have a new plan. The tortle sees this as an opportunity to incite a mob against the Burgomaster and begins taunting the citizens in the name of the Burgomaster. Seisha cleverly takes

Hadrioul’s tabard and puts it on herself.

While Hadrioul goes to the Church, Honu and Seisha leads the rest of the party towards the prison. The party is pelted with rocks by a growing mob. When they arrive at the prison, there are two guards that cover Seisha and Honu as they escape into the safety of the building. Maulduk stands in a senseless stupor in the open street and Krill tries to protect them. The guards, seeing their tabards, go out to help protect them. The surging crowd is temporarily halted by the guards as Krill leads Maulduk inside. Within, Seisha frees a young street urchin. The pair begin to have a friendly contest to see who can release the prisoners the fastest.

When the mob slays one of the guards, Honu steps forward. He casts calm emotions over the entire crowd.

Honu speaks to the masses. “Calm down. Hear the words of a wise man with green skin: Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

His words, and his spell, have a magical effect on the crowd. As they disperse, one man could be heard muttering: “I want to go home and rethink my life.”

Krill tells Maulduk to guard the front door. Somehow, Maulduk’s befuddled mind makes him go out and attack the last remaining guard. Maulduk’s once brilliant rage of pure light is now crackling dark necrotic energy.

Meanwhile, Hadrioul arrives at the Church to see Izek, the Burgomaster’s minion, spying through the main doors. At the sound of Hadrioul’s approach, Izek runs away. Hadrioul brings the boy to the priest and asks for the priest to see if he can do anything. Then, Hadrioul recruits to other men to help find Izek. They see Izek moving surreptitiously through the crowd.

Izek attempts to enter a building. Hadrioul, fearing that he would lose sight of Izek, uses a command spell to make the man “sit”.