Party: Boarstack, Ilidan, Gileas, Jax, Kelderrin, Rolann, Nord
XP: 4,329

Short Summary

The party attempts to parley with Nym and Mirran.  They are sent to wait in guestrooms below while the two female giants talk to their sister Serissa.  When Nym returns, she brings the Giant ambassadors and tells them to prove their loyalty by killing the small folk.

A violent and painful battle ensues, which includes Nord striking upwards into a Giant crotch, the Stone Giant ambassador tells everyone to stop fighting.  The Stone Giant believes they have been setup and arranges a meeting with Serissa.

When talking with Serissa, the party discovers that King Hekaton and Queen Neri had been traveling abroad when they were attacked.  Queen Neri had been slain and King Hekaton is missing.  There was a peculiar human coin found near her body.  Nord has a similar coin and reveals that it was from Yartar.  An advisor, Imyrth, tries to persuade Serissa that the party plans to “finish off” Hekaton’s bloodline.  When Serissa believes that the party genuinely wants to help, Imryth grabs a magical scepter from the throne and teleports away, but before she does so, everyone can see her true form as a blue dragon.  After handing a few useful items to the party, Serissa sends them to Yartar.

Long Summary

As the Storm Giantess Nym and Mirran conclude their musical number, the party enters a chamber filled with emissaries from the various Giant-kind.  In order to appeal to Nym’s ego, Gileas commends her musical pounding of a giant crab.  Nym is dismissive of the party because she has no interest in “small” men.

Nym is reluctant for the adventurers to have free association with Serissa, but agrees to see if Serissa is willing to talk with “tiny” men.  In the meantime, the party is escorted to the guest bedchambers below (while Illidan’s inner drivemakes him surreptitiously wander through the Storm Giants’ personal bedchambers).

After a long wait, Nym returns to the bottom floor with the Giant ambassadors.  She tells the Giant ambassadors to dispose of the interloping “wee” folk.  Kelderrin conjures up an image of the All-Father to dissuade the giants from attacking.  Fire Giant, Cloud Giant and Frost Giant ambassadors perceive the party as their object and attack immediately.  The Stone Giant hesitates and looks contemplative.

A heroic struggle unfolds like a primal scene.  The adventurers attempt to erect their defense mechanisms against the attacking Giants.  Boarstack pounds away at his opponents.  Illidan and Jax use this opportunity to thrust pointy things at their enemies.  Gileas casts plenty of healing spells.  Kelderrin is unable to use his powers of suggestion to salvage the situation.  Rolann casts a grease spell at the feet of the Fire Giant.  Immediately, the giant has a (Freudian) slip and tumbles to the ground.  Nord takes down a Frost Giant by striking upwards and in between its legs.  At this point, the Stone Giant stops this violent orgy.

The Stone Giant believes that they have all been tricked and escorts the party upstairs so that they may have an audience with Serissa, who sits upon the Wyrmskull Throne, an ancient artifact.  During the audience, the party persuades Serissa of their willingness to help find her missing father and fix the ordning.  It is also clear that Serissa and her sisters are quite fixated on their father, King Hekaton.

The party begins asking questions, with Kelderrin trying to do his best detective impression.  They learn that King Hekaton and Queen Neri had been traveling abroad when they were apparently attacked.  Queen Neri’s body had suffered tremendous damage and a small token was find near her body on Red Rock Islands near (or in) the Moonshae Isles.  Serissa reveals a human-sized coin stamped with the image of a golden goose.  To everyone’s shock Nord produces a similar coin.  He had awoken, without his memories, in Yartar with the coin tucked snuggly between his “cheeks”.  Iymrith, an advisor, is quick to accuse the party of having abducted King Hekaton and to have murdered Queen Neri.  Kelderrin points out that King Hekaton is missing and no one actually knows if he has been kidnapped.  Frustrated and suffering from scepter envy, Imyrith grabs the scepter from the throne.  As she does so, everyone glimpses her true form…that of a blue dragon!  The dragon teleports away with the scepter.

Now Serissa realizes that she has been betrayed by Imyrith and supports the party fully (and offers the assistance of her warriors to hunt down the blue dragon).  She asks to examine Gileas’ conch and informs everyone that the bard’s conch has been overused and is broken.  Serissa gives him a conch that can rise to the occasion.  She also offers to send them to Yartar.  Before they depart, Kelderrin asks for a few items to help their investigation:  the coin of Yartar, a ring of Hekaton and Imiryth’s comb.

Serissa teleports the party to the gates of Yartar.