Party: Henrik, Torinn, Krum, Thom, Hyacinth, Belomash, Raith
XP: 2257

Harbor Lights

After a night at the Wayside Inn, the party made its way to Leilon.  As they approached the town they found most of the citizens of Leilon camped in front of the gates.  The group discovered that an evacuation was called as a group of cultists overtook the waterfront.   After learning that children were left behind, they quickly moved into town to confront the cultists.  

Inside Leilon, the adventurers encounter and defeat a group of cultists before making their way to the waterfront.  They determine that these were followers of Talos.  At the docks they disrupted a summoning ritual and dispatched another large group of cultists including a Tiefling priestess.   Victorious, some in the group could hear the distant screams of children coming from the direction of one of the islands in Leilon’s small bay.

Exhausted, the group asked themselves:

  1. Who are these cultists and what is their interest in Leilon ?
  2. Will the heroes push on to Idol Island to rescue the missing children or will they risk losing the children to the cultists in favor of a long nap ?