Party: Seisha, Krill, Hadrioul, Honu, Maulduk, Eiric
XP: Milestone

Lady Fiona Wachter invites the party to dine at her mansion.  After revealing that she believes that she is the rightful heir to the title of Burgomaster, she asks for the party to “finish the job” with the current Burgomaster.  A brief discussion reveals that Lady Wachter is also the loyal servant of Strahd.

The party leaves to find the streets in turmoil.  After breaking up a clash between citizens and guards, the party attempts to leave by the North Gate.  Right after they leave, Hadrioul remembers Ireena and the children, so he charges back into Vallaki with the others behind him.  They are barred from meeting Ireena by the Priest Lucian, who accuses them (quite rightly) of having incited the mob.  Honu has a theological argument with Lucian.  Eventually, Hadrioul takes the doll that has an eerie resemblance to Ireena and asks Lucian to give it to her.

As the adventurers leave, they run into a familiar band of Vistani.  These Vistani take them out of town and to an encampment outside Vallaki.

Full write-up

The party stands before the sullen Wachter manor.  Ernie tells the party to wait outside while he informs Lady Fiona Wachter of their arrival.  Hadrioul notices that their “friend” Ernie as a crossbow and suspects that he is Ernie may have been the one to shoot the guard through the neck.

As the main party goes upstairs, Hadrioul and Seisha have a brief conversation before following the others.  Lady Wachter has laid out a sumptuous table to serve them for laying the foundation for the Burgomaster’s downfall.  Despite the extravagant table setting, there is a dark mood in the room.  Maulduk seems to be suffering quietly, because he doesn’t even touch his food or drink.  Hadrioul doesn’t touch his food.  While Seisha makes points with her spoon.

Lady Wachter claims to be the rightful Burgomaster (through her husband).  When Hadrioul makes inflammatory statements about Strahd, Lady Wachter becomes outraged.  She tells them that she serves the vampire lord.  Despite Hadrioul’s outburst, she still asks the party to “finish the job” in overthrowing the Burgomaster.

Honu, the Tortle televangelist on a mission from the Gods, explains that the party’s actions were under guidance from the Gods.  He suggests a tax-free 300 GP donation for their good works, and hints that it may (or may not) help her achieve her goal in becoming Burgomaster.  Lady Wachter does not elect to become one of the flock.  Instead, she tells the party to leave after dinner.  Krill gets up and leads the party out of the room.

Back on the streets, the party sees a mob clash with the guards.  As the guards use their weapons to violently suppress the citizens, Seisha unleashes eldritch blasts searing into the guards.  Krill launches arrows and downs the guards in quick succession.  Hadrioul steps forward and uses his thaumaturgy spell to enhance his voice.  In a booming voice, he tells the guards to leave.  Eiric uses his own special effects to enlarge Maulduk to twice his size.  The gigantic warrior looms over the guards and commands them to flee.  With their morale shattered, the guards run away.  Krill eyes the fleeing guards for a moment, but after a quick exchange with Hadrioul, lowers his bow.  The two seem to have come to an understanding.

The party attempts to leave from the north gate.  After taking some elaborate efforts to clear the gate and shut it, Hadrioul remembers Ireena and the children.  With single-minded, mule-like stubbornness, the cleric charges back into Vallaki.  The rest of the party follow him back into the streets teeming with mobs.  When they arrive at the church, Priest Lucian refuses to let them in.  He has heard the rumors about the party’s involvement in the young boy’s death.  As a servant of Saint Andral, he cannot allow Hadrioul to see Ireena.  As a servant of the Gods, Honu argues vociferously in defense of their actions…and asks for donations.  He also periodically calls for the overthrow of the Burgomaster.  Hadrioul takes out the doll that resembles Ireena and asks Lucian to give it Ireena.

Seisha suggests leaving by the western gates.  As the adventurers do so, they run into some familiar Vistani.  The Vistani take them on a wagon ride to an encampment outside the City.

As smoke from the Vistani camp rises into the darkness of night, the party must decide what cause they serve.

BONUS (Beware…there be bad joke ahead)

What is the best nation for a televangelist?


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