Party: Ilidan, Gileas, Jax, Rolann, Nord
XP: 0


Short Synopsis

Most of the party teleport to the Maelstrom with the King of the Storm Giants.  Hekaton recruits the party to help slay Iymrith the Blue Dragon.  The group makes a short trip back to Waterdeep to gather their companions.  While at Waterdeep, they meet a tabaxi employed by the Hornravens.  In particular, she hints that Illidan is guilty of murdering Lady Jezrin Hornraven, and that the Hornravens want to know the truth (and might be willing to allow the guilty party to take some act of redemption in the name of good).  Illidan denies everything and she leaves.  The party teleports back to the Maelstrom.

The giants and the party teleport to Iymrith’s lair.  While the giants distract Iymrith’s gargoyle servants, the adventurers go into her lair.  They see a group of yuan-ti dragging Harshnag the Frost Giant toward a pit.  The group attacks the yuan-ti.  To their surprise, Iymrith ambushes from behind.  The party use their potions of giant size (gifted from the Storm Giants).  There is brutal battle in which the blue dragon invokes ice storms, lightning bolts and sandstorms.  Iymrith also summons earth elementals to help absorb damage that she suffers.  She blinds Illidan and Jax with a sandstorm.  Meanwhile, Gileas casts a Beacon of Hope.  The party has a moment to breath as Iymrith disappears, leaving them wondering what she will do next…

Long Synopsis

The main party arrived with Hekaton at the Maelstrom.  After a few hours, they learned that Gileas and Nord were alive and well in Waterdeep.  King Hekaton announces that the lair of Iymrith the Blue Dragon has been discovered.  Like any good owner of a fast-food restaurant chain, Hekaton believes that justice should be served hot and fast.  He offers the group a chance to work part-time.  If they defeat the dragon, they can have all the toys and trinkets from her lair.  Princess Serissa offers to supersize the party by giving them each a potion of giant size and a conch of teleportation.

The heroic adventurers agree to help and head to Waterdeep to pick up Gileas and Nord.  While at the Yawning Portal, Whisper in Shadows, a tabaxi, arrives to search for Illidan.  She works for the Hornravens and asks Illidan very pointed questions about the demise of Lady Jezrin Hornraven.  She implies revenge might not be the only item on the Hornraven menu.  If Illidan tells the truth, she believes that she can persuade the Hornravens to allow the guilty party to do some service as repentance.  Instead, Illidan serves up a whopper of a denial with a side of dissembling. 

“Have it your way,” the tabaxi says and leaves.

The party has a long conversation about the matter.  Illidan tells a complicated tale of deceit, frames, double-dealing, blackmail and murder that suggests some of the participants were a few fries short of a happy meal.  Using the conch, the party heads back to the Maelstrom.

From the Maelstrom, the adventurers and the giants head for the border to Iymrith’s desert lair.  They arrive at an ancient stone amphitheater guarded by gargoyles.  The giants suggest that they split up – the giants stay outside to distract the gargoyles while the party ventures inside.  Without further urging, the party goes into the crumbling structure.  Jax and Rolann take their potions and are supersized.  Inside, they see a group of yuan-ti and their carry-out item, the Frost Giant Harshang.  Without hesitation, the party attacks the yuan-ti.  With one shot, Jax skewers the yuan-ti ileader.  Kelderrin throws a fireball to flame-broil the other yuan-ti.  Rolann grabs onto Harshnag’s legs to keep the yuan-ti from dragging the giant into the pit.  Illidan, Gileas and Nord make themselves supersize as well.

From behind the party, Iymrith rises up out of the sands and attacks Illidan and Jax.  The pair respond by serving up a large combo to the blue dragon.  Kelderrin, Nord and Rolann clean up the yuan-ti and Gileas helps revive Harshnag.  Lightning arcs through the chamber and Iymrith rains down an ice storm.  Eventually, Kelderrin supersizes himself and is astounded that he is now huge (and looks down his trousers to confirm…yes…his legs are longer). 

A pair of earth elementals appear.  As the party attacks Iymrith, it seems that the damage to her is transferred to these creatures.  Iymrith drops a sandstorm on Illidan and Jax, and disengages.  The pair are blinded for at least thirty seconds of the fight.

Gileas casts a Beacon of Hope on Illidan, Jax, Kelderrin and himself.  The party knows that it is the Blue Dragon’s turn next and they wonder what she will serve up next…