Party: Henrik, Torinn, Krum, Thom, Hyacinth, Belomash, Raith
XP: 3675

After returning to Leilon, the party was roused from a well deserved rest by pleading from one of the children they had saved from Idol Island.  Little Vester begged the group to help find his father, Private Vester Jessup, whose patrol never returned from their regular march down the High Road.  Sgt Hazz Yorrum attempted to dismiss Vester’s concerns, but the party committed to finding the boy’s father.

During the discussion, Grizzelda Copperwraught (aka ‘The Growler’), pressued Sgt Yorrum into providing the missing patrol’s planned route.  She also offered the group some property in town as a thank you for all of the work they had done to make Leilon great again.  Henrik suggested that the tower in the center of town would make an ideal headquarter.   Grizzelda was open to this idea but explained that there was some history with the tower (the House of Thaliver) that the heroes should discuss in more detail with Gallio Elibro the next time he comes to town.  A powerful wizard from Neverwinter, Elibro was sent to Leilon to make sure the tower was safe.

The party made their way south on the High Road and picked up the patrol’s trail heading into the Mere of Dead Men.   They followed, making their way through the hazardous swamp, escaping quick sand, and helping a group of mercenaries capture a hydra.  Eventually they tracked down the missing soldiers, who were now prisoners of a tribe of Lizardfolk.   Rather than destroy the Lizardfolk, the group opted for negotiation.  The Lizardfolk agreed to free the prisoners, who included 4 merchants in addition to the 4 patrolmen, if the heroes could defeat a group of necrotic trolls that had been hunting them.  The party agreed and lured the trolls into the camp site.   The trolls, who carried the mark of the death god Myrkul, proved dangerous, but the party destroyed them during a vicious battle.    

With night fast approach, the grateful Lizardfolk invited the heroes to stay with them at their camp where they would host an egg hatching ceremony.

  • What horrors will the party face as they make their way back out of the Mere of Dead Men ?
  • Can they return the patrol safely so that Little Vester be reunited with his father ?
  • Will the group set down roots at the House of Thaliver in Leilon and finish the work they started to purge the Cult of Talos from the region, or will they head north to Luskan in pursuit of revenge ?