Party: Seisha, Krill, Hadrioul, Honu, Eiric

After the party recovers Arrabel, Seisha is attacked by the tentacles of an Aboleth.  She suffers physical wounds and contracts a disease that makes the injured skin turn translucent.  The Vistani escape while the party fights the Aboleth.

During their fight, Krill and Seisha notice flashes of lightning from the north shore.  They suspect that it is the Mad Mage.

The Aboleth is defeated, but Hadrioul and Seisha suffer wounds from the creature that turn their skin translucent.  Honu determines that it is some sort of disease that will cause them agonizing pain unless they receive a “heal” spell or something comparable.  Honu interrogates the deceased Bluto (killed by Seisha), and confirms that the Mad Mage was last seen to the north of Lake Zarovich.  The Aboleth also inflicted a temporary disease to Eiric that makes him unable to breathe air, but Eiric seems to return to normal after a few hours.

Full write-up

Three boats drift quietly upon the moonlit waters of Lake Zarovich.  Krill gets back onto the first boat with the Vistani and helps Arrabel out of the sack.  Hadrioiul, Honu and Seisha are aboard a second boat with Bluto lying unconscious at their feet.  Eiric, with his magically formed gills, is floating alongside their boat.  Poor Maulduk is left alone in the third boat.

From the murky waters, two tentacles lash out at Seisha!  It takes a long moment for the party to react.  Especially for Hadrioul, who seems to be entranced by Seisha’s helplessness before the writhing, slimy tentacles…

Krill fires his arrows from range.  As the projectiles pierce the Aboleth, Seisha seems to suffer some sort of psychic trauma.  Honu restores Seisha and summons a spiritual hammer.  Eiric takes a dive into the water to see a strange, mucus like cloud surrounding the Aboleth.  It takes a few moments for Hadrioul to get over the distraction of seeing Seisha being attacked by tentacles (and trying to figure out if she qualifies as a “magical girl”, who is the natural prey for such things).  He summons a circle of spiritual guardians and tries to row their way from trouble.  To Hadrioul’s disbelief, he is struck by the tentacles as well (this destroys his theory that tentacles only attack attractive young women) and gets his mind probed by the Aboleth (oh, the iniquity).  His damaged skin also turns translucent.  Eiric is pulled into the cloudy mucus surrounding the Aboleth.  He suffers a strange disease that makes him unable to breathe air and he dives deeper into the water. 

Meanwhile, the Vistani are quick to make a get away by heading to the southern shores of Lake Zarovich.  Argyle-clothed Arrigal thanks the party heartily as the Vistani make their escape.  Krill, realizing that he is being taken away from his friends, dives into the water and swims back to his friends.  During this time, Krill and Seisha notice strange flashes of lightning from the north shore and they suspect it is the Mad Mage.  Honu, Seisha and Eiric deliver several devastating attacks to the Aboleth, with Honu finishing it off.  Once the Aboleth has been defeated, Seisha wheels on Bluto and strikes him with a shocking grasp.  This instantly kills the drunken sailor.  Honu and Hadrioul interrogate the deceased Bluto.  Bluto seems to have been possessed by the Aboleth and has very little genuine recollection of the most recent events, but confirms that the Mad Mage lives on the north shore.  After burying his body, the group heads north.  Eiric is happily swimming “Under the Sea” and frolicking on his own for a few hours.  Who knows what strange and wet adventures he has on his own?

Hadrioul and Seisha notice that their translucent skin burns when not in water.  After Doctor Honu examines them, they find out that they have caught a disease from the tentacles (who knows where those tentacles have been).  The disease causes them to suffer agonizing pain if their translucent skin is not kept moist…

The party is not yet reunited.  After a few hours, Eiric emerges fish-like from the seas.  Seisha, not recognizing her companion, attacks him.  Eiric responds by enhancing Seisha’s natural highlights with a fairy fire spell.  The party awaits the return of their friend Maulduk…who they seem to have misplaced.