Party: Henrik, Torinn, Krum, Thom, Hyacinth, Belomash, Raith
XP: 3928

After celebrating with the local lizard tribe, the party made their way north with the rescued merchants and patrol.  On their way they were accosted by zombies carrying the mark of Myrkul.  The group defeated the zombies but lost a merchant in the battle.

Upon their return to Leilon and reuniting big Vesper with little Vesper, the party were approached by soldiers who asked for help with the House of Thaliver, the tower in the center of town.  The guards were chased out by something they couldn’t describe, but left the wizard Gaillio Elibro inside.  While exploring the tower the group ran across a series of bizarre incidents, with Hyacinth becoming so freighted she jumped out of the 2nd story window to escape.   In the mean time Raith activated a large golem that proceeded to attack them for making too much noise.   Finally, after the rest of the party forgot what they were doing there, Belomash found Thaliver’s old journal that suggested that his ghost was haunting the tower to continue his research on the Planar Beacon.  The group confronted a seemingly possessed Gallio and ultimately Krum was able to put Thalivar’s spirit to rest.

The day after clearing old Thalivar’s tower, the party was approached by Kahn Ding about a business venture and wanted to know the name of the adventuring band.   After some debate, the group dubbed themselves:  Lions of Leilon.