Party: Boarstack, Ilidan, Gileas, Jax, Kelderrin, Rolann, Nord
XP: 0


Short Summary

Iymrith, the blue dragon, swoops past the party down a far corridor.  Kelderrin attempts to investigate, but the doorway collapses and leaves him trapped and alone on the other side.  Illidan and others make make their way towards Kelderrin.  As the party splits up, Iymrith swoops in to attack individuals and the smaller group.  Eventually, when the party is nearly incapacitated, Iymrith offers the adventuring warriors a chance to work for her.  Jax persuades her to give the party a moment to discuss.  During that time, they decide to blow the conch and return to the Maelstrom.  At the Maelstrom, Serissa arranges for the party to be healed and to be given superior healing potions.  The party readies themselves to be sent back to reunite with King Hekaton and try to take on Iymrith again.

Long Summary

The party continues its relentless battle against Iymrith, the blue dragon.

She swoops past the adventurers and into a far corridor.  When Kelderrin follows after her, the doorway collapses behind him and separating him from his companions.  Unwittingly, Kelderrin has initiated the “Let’s Split Up, Gang!” tactic.  Iymrith attacks the lone gnome.  Kelderrin pulls off a rope trick and squeezes himself into a pocket dimension.  In response to this, Iymrith casts a bonfire right underneath the pocket dimension and places an elemental to guard the area.

Meanwhile, the remaining party members respond to Kelderrin’s disappearance in their own way.  Gileas and Nord try digging through the debris.  Rolann studies the collapsed doorway and thinks:  “Looks like we’ve got another mystery on our hands”.  Illidan finishes off the elementals and goes exploring through the northern door.  Boarstack and Jax cover the other open doorways. 

In desperation, Gileas bravely (and recklessly) tries to reach Kelderrin by blindly using a dimension door to the other side.  Gileas finds himself standing in the middle of a bonfire.  Kelderrin drops out of the dimensional pocket to try and switch spots with Gileas.  Zoinks!  Kelderrin falls on top of a “Shaggy” Gileas and the pair are a hot mess of tangled limbs on the floor.  Meanwhile, Illidan catches the pair en flagrante delicto and thinks “Jinkies”.  Iymrith rises up out of a sandy pit to attack Illidan from behind. Gileas grabs Kelderrin and casts “dimension door” to take them back to the other room.  After a blistering exchange with the dragon, Illidan casts a globe of darkness to make it harder for Iymrith to attack.

“To me!” Jax calls out to his companions.  In an attempt to reunite the party, he tries to lead the rest of the party after Illidan (and hopefully to the others).  As Jax leaves through the north entrance, Nord follows him.

Rolann and Boarstack are astonished to see Gileas and Kelderrin teleport back into the main room.  They are even more astonished when Iymrith pops back into the room.  She knocks Harshnag down the pit and attacks Gileas and Kelderrin and putting the fear of dragonkind into Boarstack.

Iymrith then swoops back into the other room to blast Nord and Illidan.  A brutal battle ensues in which the dragon knocks out Illidan and Nord.  After this “Jeepers” moment, Iymrith pauses to talk with Jax.  She offers the “meddling adventurers” a chance to work for her.  Jax cleverly negotiates for some time to discuss this with his party (especially given that some of them are prone and unconscious).  Iyrmith will await their answer in her main room.

After gathering up the gang, the party decides to teleport back to the Maelstrom.  Serissa arranges for the party to be healed and gives each of them a potion of superior healing.  Kelderrin asks about the teleportation conch and gets one from Serissa.

Now the party readies themselves to be teleported to King Hekaton to have another zany adventure in Iymrith’s lair.







Dragon pops out of the sand and attacks Nord, Illidan and Earth Elemental.  Nord goes down.  Illidan goes down.

Dragon offers Jax an option to work for the blue dragon.

Group teleports back to Maelstrom.  Decide to go back after being healed (and Kelderrin gets an extra conch).