Party: Henrik, Torinn, Krum, Thom, Hyacinth, Belomash, Raith
XP: 3614

Hoping to strike a killing blow to the Cult of Talos’ operations near Leilon, the Lions chartered a ship and sailed north to the Thunder Cliffs where they believed they would find the cult’s local focus.   Their journey began to unravel when the ship’s crew threatened mutiny against its captain, the drunken tabaxi Stands in Tar.  Between negotiation and a few inspired performances, the party was able to help broker peace and reach their destination.

On the beach, the group defeated giant crabs and lethal chimera where they found a large cave.  Inside the Lions were able to bluff their way past some grumbling cultists using Henrik’s marks of Talos.   Pushing deeper into caves, they found a shrine where they battled the Cult Leader Gadrille and her hounds. 

With the boss defeated, what approach will the party use to shutdown the cave operation ?

Will the group finally head north to administer Krum’s justice or will they return to the swamp to root out the undead ?