Party: Boarstack, Ilidan, Gileas, Jax, Kelderrin, Rolann, Nord
XP: 25285

Slaying the Dragon?

Short Synopsis

The party, with King Hekaton’s entourage (including four guards and his daughter Mirran), enter Iymrith’s lair.  They discover Harshnag, who turns out to be Iymrith in disguise.  Iymrith offers anyone in the room to work for her – Mirran and an elite guard attack King Hekaton.

After a prolonged battle, a severely wounded Iymrith tackles King Hekaton and tumble down into the pit.  Eventually, King Hekaton flies out of the pit.  Rolann continues down into the pit to investigate it.  He finds Iymrith’s deceased body.  Rolann also finds an unconscious Harshnag, who he helps back up.

King Hekaton takes the giants back to the Maelstrom while the party looks for treasure.  After some investigation, they find a workshop filled with bodies in vessels.  Kelderrin determines that these vessels are associated with a clone spell, and the Iymrith is probably alive.  The party continues to look for treasure and find a number of wonderful items.  They also uncover two mummies, which prompts them to make a judicious retreat.

Long Synopsis

The adventurers return back to Iymrith’s lair with King Hekaton and four of his elite guards.  Hekaton’s daughter Mirran makes a surprise appearance to join them.  Then they enter the main room of Iymrith’s lair.

Harshnag crawls out from the pit and tells the party to escape.  Jax and Kelderrin become very suspicious of Harshnag and ask very pointed questions.  Eventually, Boarstack becomes frustrated and attempts to intimidate Harshnag.  This elicits a strange peculiar laugh and Harshnag starts shifting into many different shapes.  Eventually, the shapeshifting creature settles into the blue dragon form of Iymrith.  Iymrith offers those in the room to work for her by killing King Hekaton.  Mirran and one of the elite guards begin pushing King Hekaton to the pit.

A battle erupts in the chamber where Jax unleashes a ferocious attack while Boarstack and Rolann attack from afar.  Kelderrin grapples Mirran and tries to prevent her from pushing King Hekaton.  Illidan takes a different route.  The drow, with the help of a Storm Giant, battles air elementals in the treasure room.  Nord rushes to attack the dragon.  Iymrith throws back her attackers with a powerful sweep of her wings.  Accidentally, Nord touches one of the runes and disappears.  Iymrith attacks Kelderrin, then Jax, Rolann and Boarstack.  King Hekaton knocks Mirran unconscious.  The severely battered Iymrith tackles King Hekaton into the yawning pit below.

Rolann uses spider climb to go down the pit’s shaft while the others help Illidan finish off the air elemental.  After a few moments, King Hekaton comes roaring up out of the shaft.  Rolann continues down to find the body of a dragon and confirms that it is dead.  He also finds the unconscious form of Harshnag.  Realizing that Harshnag is alive, Rolann heals him and brings him back up.

King Hekaton departs with Harshnag, his daughter and his guards.

The party rests and takes their time to search the area.  In the northern chamber, they encounter a workshop that has strange vessels filled with bodies in various stages of development.  One of the larger vessels appears to have been broken recently and shown signs of something leaving it.  While the rest of the party go treasure hunting, the curious Kelderrin casts and identify spell on the vessels.  To his horror, he realizes that it is connected to a “clone” spell, and that means that Iymrith’s soul must have transferred to the clone that left the vessel.  As the babbling gnome runs over to the others, the main group is unearthing an enormous treasure hoard.  Illidan and Jax have discovered gold coins, jewelry and several magical items.

When Boarstack and Kelderrin take their turn to look for treasure, they find a mummy and a mummy lord, respectively.  Since discretion is the better part of valor, the party discreetly leaves with the treasure that they have found.  Will they be reunited with Gileas and Nord?