After previously defeating Gadrille, the leader of the culti of Talos operating out of Thunder Cove, the Lions explored the rest of the cave system and discovered an ally, Liando, bound at the mercy of a trio of sea hags. The hags invited the group to join in a meal, but they instead offered the corpse of a half elf. Happy with the exchange the hags freed Liando. Thom made an emphatic please to rid the region of the hags, who were clearly waylaying victims like Liando on the High Road, but the group decided they were not a problem and let them enjoy their meal.
Further exploration revealed Sovendahl Erkinze, a drow logistician who was 2nd in command of the operation. He was near death from what Krum could determine was a curse. Krum offered to remove the curse if Sovendahl Erkinze would do some scouting work for him in Luskan. Sovendahl Erkinze also revealed that the leader of the Cult of Talos in the region was Fheralai Stormsworn. She was likely travelling by sea in a ghost ship.
Back in Leilon, the Dragon Cultist that the group captured recently in the Mere of Dead men sang like a canary when interviewed by Zhentarim agent Ziraj the Hunter. A group of Myrkulites took up residence in an old tower in the Mere and Ziraj offered the group a bounty to clear them out and secure the keep. The cultists had been conducting raids on merchants travelling the High Road from Waterdeep to Neverwinter and this was bad for business.
Armed with the location of the Iniarv’s Tower, the Lion’s set of into down the high road. As they approached the Tower, the party was accosted by some unusually strong zombies, followed by a trio of women calling out to ‘stop the zombies’. The group defeated some of the zombies and turned the rest back towards the keep. Liando, the lecherous priest of Tyrmora, followed the zombies and pursuing women back to the keep where he discovered a large number of warriors, including watchmen on the battlements.
Waiting until night, the party snuck into the tower through a crumbling segment of the wall and neutralized the guards on the wall. The Lion’s then unleashed a series of attacks with Raith hypnotizing a large number of them and Belomash cutting through them like butter. As they pressed their attack, several large zombies broke out of the towers. The clerics of the group quickly turned them back and trapped them inside. A woman riding a chimera emerged from the 3rd tower. Seeing quickly which way the wind was blowing, Rega Swarn negotiated a truce so that she could save what was remaining of her troop. She told the party that the cult of Myrkul had hired the mercenary band, the Chimera Crew, to keep watch on the zombies that the cult was staging there. She understood that the undead would be used for an attack but did not have any details. Satisfied, the Lion’s let the Chimera Crew go and Rega Swarn offered to hire out for the group if they ever needed any additional muscle.
The Lions set to work destroying the undead in the towers and setting up a trap for the cultists who were scheduled to return within the ten day.
Where was the massing undead army going to attack ?
What tricks will the Lion’s use to set their trap for the cult of Myrkul ?
Will the party’s laissez fair approach to enemies create more allies or burn them in the long run ?