Party: Boarstack, Ilidan, Jax, Kelderrin, Rolann, Nord
XP: 7875

Delivery Service

Short Synopsis

Kelderrin learns that Quint, Rethnor’s son, has been captured by sea hags in Saltmarsh and the adventurers head out to rescue the young boy.  Unfortunately, they arrive too late.  Quint has been eaten by the sea hags and the party dispatches the crones.

To help fight the demon infestation, Illidan’s contacts suggest that the party meet up with Vizerin Devir, a drow archmage.  Vizerin has hatched a plan to involves summoning all the demon lords together to let them fight each other.  After such a fight, the surviving demon lords should be weak enough to be dispatched.  To conduct this summoning, Vizerin gives the group a shopping list of items to retrieve:  an unhatched egg of a purple worm, the central eye stalk of a beholder, six feathers from six different angels, the  heart of a goristro, thirteen timmasks (devil’s mushrooms), the blood of a demon lord and the grimoire of Gromph Baenre.  The drow also suggests that the group learn more about the demon invasion at Luskan.

The group teleports to the Hosttower in Luskan.  They learn that the eastern and southern portions of the city have been overtaken by demons, in particular, temples and other holy sites.  A short boat ride takes them to a demon-controlled temple.  Upon talking to a demon priest, they learn that Nord is carrying a weapon of the abyss.  Every time someone is slain by the weapon, a demon is summoned from the Abyss.  This results in a battle with the priests.  A pair of priests summon a goristro demon to aid them.  After a brutal battle, the party manages to dispatch the enemy and discover a trap door that leads to an underground passageway…

Long Synopsis

Kelderrin discovers that Quint has been captured by sea hags in Saltmarsh.  The party heads out to retrieve the little boy and return Quint back to his mother.  Along the way, they get a Lyft from a Tabaxi captain to some sea cliffs located outside of Saltmarsh.  They arrive too late and the sea hags have eaten most of Quint.  The adventurers quickly dispatch the sea hags and (Insta)carts Quint’s remains back to his sobbing mother.

The drow Archmage, Vizerin Devir, pings the group for a delivery service.  According to Vizerin, the Wizard Gromph recklessly used the faezrezz in a summoning app that wrenched several demon lords from the Abyss and into the Underdark.  These demon lords have spread throughout the Underdark. 

Vizerin has concocted a plan to call all the demon lords together to let them fight it out.  Afterwards, the surviving demon lords will be sufficiently weakened to be defeated by mortals.  Vizerin has called for the party’s service to retrieve the following list of ingredients for his summoning:

  • An intact and unhatched egg of a purple worm;
  • The central eye of a beholder;
  • Six feathers from six different angels in the Labyrinth;
  • The heart of a goristro (which must be unconscious before its heart is removed);
  • Thirteen timmasks, also known as “devil’s mushrooms,” sprouted from the footprint of a marilith, a balor, or a goristro;
  • A few drops of blood or ichor from a demon lord; and
  • Gromph Baenre’s grimoires and notes (suspected to be in the College of Sorcery located in Menzoberranzan)

At the suggestion of Vizerin, the group teleports to Luskan to investigate the demon infestation.  Nord mentions that during one of the flashes of teleportation, he saw the demon lord Graz’zt in his mind.  The party learns that the eastern part of Luskan has been overrun by demons, particularly holy sites like the Temple of Waukeen.  The adventurers make a (Door)dash for the temple.  They find it desecrated and controlled by demon-worshipping priests. These priests consider Nord a VIP customer because of his  massive weapon.  Apparently, every time someone is slain by the evil weapon, a demon is summoned from the Abyss.

Illidan shoots one of the priests and this touches off a battle.  The priests call upon an Uber goristro demon to aid them.  During the battle, the demon kicks and pummels Boarstack mercilessly.  Illidan and Jax flank the goristro and inflict terrible damage.  Rolann helps support the battled duergar.  Kelderrin casts spell after spell like an almost real wizard.  Bravely, Nord charges forward to become paralyzed by one of the priests.  Eventually, the party (accidentally) kills the goristro without picking up its heart for delivery.  They discover a hidden trapdoor behind the altar and wonder whether they can find more grocery items lurking below.