Party: Krill, Hadrioul, Honu, Maulduk, Eiric
XP: 1760

The party rests within the Vistani camp of Madame Eva. Madame Eva had outlined several items for the party to collect. During their rest, they talk with the inebriated Vistani men to learn of possible clues to the whereabouts of these clues: (i) the Amber Temple possibly holds the Tome of Strahd, (ii) there is a den of wolves in the hills nestled between Krezk and Lake Bartok and (iii) there are a number of possible “dizzying heights” where the Sun Sword may be located (from the tower in Strahd’s castle to many of the mountains).

As night arrives, the party settles down to rest. They are attacked by ghostly apparitions. A difficult fight ensues. Maulduk is possessed and takes down Eiric two times. Eventually, the combined forces of the party and the Vistani (including Madame Eva) brings down Maulduk. The ghost leaves Maulduk’s body and the apparition is swiftly dispatched. Maulduk is restored back to health. The party plans to rest for the night and head out towards the den of wolves on the morrow.

Full write-up

Upon Maulduk’s request, Madame Eva reads the party’s fortunes by dealing them a hand in five card stud. In a cackling voice, she lays out the Bishop, the Myrmidon, the Transmuter, Donjon and the Beast. Time will only tell whether the hand that was dealt is a winning hand.

As evening rolls around, the party talks with the Vistani men. Flush with alcohol, the Vistani respond to the adventurer’s straight forward questions to find possible tells in the prophecy. The drunk Vistani mention that (i) the Amber Temple possibly holds the Tome of Strahd, (ii) there is a den of wolves in the hills nestled between Krezk and Lake Bartok and (iii) there are a number of possible “dizzying heights” where the Sun Sword may be located (from the tower in Strahd’s castle to many of the mountains).

The party elects to rest at the Vistani camp. During Maulduk’s first watch, he sees a ghost reaching for Hadrioul. Maulduk cries out and valiantly leaps to defend his friend. The adventurers enter a high stakes game in a battle with ghosts. Eiric raises the stakes by enlarging Maulduk. Honu manages to make the ghosts cash in their chips and run. The remaining ghosts put a scare into Eiric, Hadrioul, Krill and Maulduk, but Honu casts calm emotions on Hadrioul and Maulduk. Despite his fear Krill manages to shoot accurately. Eiric uses shatter spells while Maulduk summons his divine fury.

Unfortunately, a ghost manages to possess Maulduk. With Maulduk under the ghost’s possession (since possession is nine-tenths of the law), Maulduk delivers a beatdown on Eiric, knocking his comrade unconscious…twice. Krill shoots his arrows at Maulduk. Madame Eva and the Vistani join the fray, and a reluctant Hadrioul delivers the blow that forces Maulduk to fold.

Later that night, after the wounded have been healed, Maulduk broods about recent events which have involved him inadvertently hurting his friends and others. With eyes full of pain, Maulduk pleads with Hadrioul for help. Hadrioul solemnly ponders his anguished friend’s request before responding…

The Hand Dealt:

  1. The Bishop: What you seek lies in a pile of treasure beyond a set of amber doors (Tome of Strahd).

  2. The Myrmidon: Look for a den of wolves in the hills overlooking a mountain lake. the treasure belongs to mother night (Holy Symbol of Raven-kind).

  3. The Transmuter: go to a place of dizzying heights where the stone itself is alive (Sun Sword).
  4. Donjon: This will identify a powerful ally, search for troubled young mand surrounded by wealth and madness… card starts to black. This young man is no more. The card goes completely black. Ally is gone, maybe killed. Faint image starts to take shape, get drawn on card. There may be somebody else.