The Lions of Leilon setup an ambush for the cult of Murkul at Iniarv’s Keep. Prepared for a large assault, the group was surprised when a single Myrkulite arrived to claim the zombies. After dispatching the cultist, the group was visited by a large black dragon who suggested common cause against the cult. The Black Death provided information about the cult and their plans in the Mere: Ularan Mortus targeted Claugiyliamatar (Old Gnaw Bones), an ancient green dragon who lairs in Kryptgarden, as a potential host body for Ebondeath, the ghost of a powerful black dragon.
The party skirmished their way through Kryptgarden Forest and was granted an audience with Gnaw Bones. She knew of the adventurers and asked them to capture the necromancer that was weakening her. At the request of Liando, Old Gnaw Bones revealed that the missing children from Leilon were being held by the Sea Hags in their cave at Thunder Cliffs.
The battle with the necromancer was easier than expected and they brought Viantha Cruelhex back to Claugiyliamatar. While attempting to scrye Viantha’s mind, Ebondeath’s spirit revealed himself and took possession of the weakened green dragon. The now possessed Gnaw Bones fled, leaving the party to ponder….
What evil has been unleashed with Ebondeath’s possession of Old Gnaw Bones ?
Will anyone claim Claugiyliamatar’s treasure hoard ?
How long before little Vester Junior ends up in the Hag’s pot ?
Does Hyacinth still hold a grudge for being bound to a bear attacking a dragon or did she work through that by leaving Henrik polymorphed as a TRex ?