Underneath the Church
Short Synopsis
The party descends into the sewers below the Church of Waukeen. As the party attempts to rest, they encounter and destroy a band of short, slovenly demons tending to strange eggs or pods. Subsequently, a large group of giant demon flies attack the adventurers, but the party is able to dispatch them without much trouble. A larger, more powerful demon with a pair of arms and a pair of pincers charges into the room and grabs Jax. After a short, bloody battle, the party is able to defeat this clawed demon as well.
Next, the party descends into the lower floors to explore. There, Illidan finds and interrogates and ties up a priest of Waukeen. In the next room, the party finds a male and female pair, and kill the male and tie up the female. Rolann disguises himself and explores an area with a half dozen robed followers of Waukeen / Grazz’t. He sees another chamber filled with twisting roots and demonic forms. The party must decide whether to stay and fight, or to go elsewhere to find the items they need to collect.
Long Synopsis
The intrepid band of adventurers descend into the sewers below the Church of Waukeen. They settle down in a small room. A group of squat, pale bloated demons appear to disturb their rest. Illidan and Jax dispatch these creatures, and Illidan investigates the area to find a chamber with a slimy pool. These squat demons are tending to some sort of pods or eggs.
Illidan leads Nord, Boarstack and Rolann to the chamber to slay the creatures. Jax and Kelderrin catch up to the group as they begin burning the pods. This act attracts several gigantic demonic flies that buzz into the room. The party manages to swat these creatures down quickly. Then, another demon arrives to attack the party. It is an enormous brute with a pair of arms and another pair of pincers. It grasps Jax with one of those claws and stuns Rolann. The unified attacks of the party bring this demon down.
The party decides to take the stairs to a lower level of the sewers. Illidan and Kelderrin find a follower of Waukeen / Grazz’t in a bedroom. They quickly tie the man up and interrogate him. They learn that the League of Six Fingered Gentlemen have been at work here in Luskan. The agents of Grazz’t have also planted the evil trees that have been seen in Luskan. Moreover, they learn that Grazz’t son (Gazarat?) is somewhere in this underground complex.
Rolann looks at the man and uses a spell to match the man’s appearance. He checks the adjacent bedroom to find a man and woman “getting to know each other better” in bed. The couple is shocked by the interruption, so Rolann leaves the room to talk with followers in a larger room. There, he sees a large break in the wall that opens up into another room with twisted tree roots and demonic figures.
Meanwhile, Nord stands in the doorway to watch the couple’s show. When the couple realizes that they are not alone, they start screaming. Illidan casts a sphere of darkness at the doorway. Jax kills the man and restrains the woman. Kelderrin casts a sleep spell to render her incapacitated. The party ties her up and puts her back on the bed. Rolann persuades the other followers that all the screaming was just kinky stuff, and they are persuaded.
The party must now decide whether to continue to fight and explore or to leave this area.