Party: Hadrioul, Honu, Maulduk, Eiric
XP: 700

The party acquires some horses and travel westward to Vallaki. On the way, they encounter and destroy some stray undead skeletons. Upon reaching Vallaki, Eiric and Hadrioul infiltrate to the city to retrieve the Mad Mage.
They head westward with the Mad Mage bound, gagged and blindfolded. Upon reach Krezk, they negotiate their way into the good graces of the Burgomaster and rest overnight.

The next day, the adventurers head out in search of wolves. Dire-wolves attack them and manage to break Hadrioul’s knee. Eiric, Honu and Maulduk dispatch the dire-wolves while Hadrioul takes a beating.

Full write-up

The ‘boys buy some horses and saddle up to head westward. On their journey, they rustle up some trouble in the form of yellow-bellied undead varmints. Eiric uses ‘dem flashy spells to lit up those boney scalawags while Maulduk uses his smacking iron to break the enemy to pieces. Along with some healing help from Honu and Hadrioul, the band of brothers make their way to Vallaki.

At Vallaki, they decide to check up on their ol’ pal the Mad Mage. Eiric gets a bee in his bonnet and decides to impersonate a sheriff deputy and pretends to take Hadrioul prisoner. Honu and Maulduk wait with the horses. Eiric and Hadrioul mosey on over to the Church of St. Andral, to find it guarded by some lowlife mercenaries. After listening to the guards’ caterwauling, Eiric gets fed up and reduces one the guards down to halfling size. The intimidated guards skedaddle with their tails between their legs. Eiric and Hadrioul talk with Padre Lucian who insists that they take back that odd stick pal of theirs. Eiric buys the padre’s robes and disguises himself as Lucian. He pops Hadrioul and the nutcase mage into the bag of holding to leave Vallaki.

They continue ridin’ west to Krezk. Upon reaching the city, Hadrioul negotiates their way into town by fancy talking Burgomaster Krezkov. After restin’ up some, they head on out to find ‘demselves some wolves. They get met up with some gnarly ol’ dire-wolves. Eiric does that touchy thing to enlarge Maulduk while the others get to fightin’. Hadrioul gets a good ol’ fashioned beating and gets his leg broke by a dire-wolf. Maulduk whacks away mercilessly and Eiric does his shootin’ tootin’ magic at the beasties (and bravely puts himself in danger to save Hadrioul). Honu does his bit of fair healing while Hadrioul returns to his time-honored role as a punching bag. The ‘boys whack the wolves and wonder what lay over yonder hills.