While recovering in Old Gnawbones lair, the Lions of Leilon set its sights on the treasure gleaming through the ominous fog on the other side of the wall of force. Putting their heads together, they surmised that they could deactivate the spell by collecting 3 statues from elsewhere in the lair and placing them correctly in a circle. Many, many death saves later, the successfully escaped slime and poison, to expose the treasure. They grabbed what gold, jewels, and items they could and left before the dragon returned.
Back in Leilon, the group was pleasantly surprised to find little Vesper Jr safely back in town. He told them that he was snatched up by some hags and would surely have been eaten if not for the timely intervention of a group of brave adventures. Timely for him, but not for the boy from Saltmarsh, who was in fact eaten by the hags. The Growler asked the party to help look into a ghost ship sighting up by the lighthouse north of town.
At the Tower of Storms, the group observed a large ship made out of bones, marooned on some rocks. There were moaning zombies staked around shore near the ship, half orcs manning ballista on the deck, and harpies circling the skies above. Waiting until dark, they snuck into the lighthouse and discovered a shrine to Talos. The killed some cultists in the tower and then began a ranged assault on the ship from the tower.
What waits for the heroes below deck ?
Why do the cults continue to plague the area surrounding Leilon ?
What will it take to permanently purge the cultists once and for all ?