Party: Krill, Hadrioul, Honu, Maulduk, Eiric
XP: 1670

The adventurers travel to a den of wolves in the hills overlooking Lake Baratok. Upon entering the cavern, they encounter two feral looking women who demand that they stop. One of women fetches their leader, Skennis.

Upon seeing Skennis arrive with an entourage of wolves, Krill shoots at Skennis. Eiric casts a web to strategically blockade one of the passages towards the party. Honu casts Guardian of Faith and Hadrioul casts Spiritual Guardians. Maulduk flies up onto the ledge and slays Skennis with two mighty swings. As Skennis expires, he mentions that Kirill will seek vengeance.

After efficiently dispatching the werewolves and wolves, the party ventures deeper into the caves. Maulduk finds another werewolf named Bianca and knocks her out. The party now wonders what lay ahead and whether the remove curse should be used on Bianca.

Full write-up

Western Hills of Lake Bartok
17:00 Hours

As the fading afternoon turns the sky crimson, Alpha Team deploys from a staging ground west of Lake Bartok. Their attempt to infiltrate the target area is stalled when encountering two enemy guards commanding the high ground. Medic “Had a Good Leg” Hadrioul unsuccessfully attempts to negotiate their way into the cavern. One of the guards heads off to their Commander Skennis. When Skennis arrives with an escort of wolves, Sniper “Kill’all” Krill takes a shot at Skennis.

A fast and furious skirmish unfolds. Demolitions Expert “Fireball” Eiric uses a web spell to create a choke point. Medic “Tortle in a Half Shell” Honu summons a Guardian of Faith. Hadrioul supplements this with his own Spirit Guardian barrier. Heavy Weapons Specialist “Maul’em” Maulduk intercepts Skennis and takes him down quickly. The party efficiently targets the enemy werewolves and follows up with the eliminating the wolves.

After cleaning up the field, Alpha Team moves deeper into the target area. They discover another insurgent and quickly takes the werewolf prisoner. The team must decide how to proceed in a hostile environment.