Party: Krill, Hadrioul, Honu, Maulduk, Eiric
XP: 3720

From the very start, the party splits up. Krill heads deeper into the caves with Honu. They enter a room with a woman praying and children locked in cages. Krill attacks the woman from behind and they eventually kill her. Another female appears with a young boy. When she turns into a werewolf, Krill attacks her and retreats. Honu persuades her and the boy to cage themselves up.

Maulduk and Hadrioul face down the werewolf leader Kiril and his pack of werewolves and wolves. They cut a swath through a mass of fur and fang. Maulduk slays Kiril. After the battle is done, Revali the elf bard appears. The young elf explains that Kiril had somehow tricked him and caged him. The bard managed to escape and is now reunited with his fellow adventurers.

The clerics remove the lycanthropy curse from Bianca and the female werewolf. Only the boy remains cursed, and they must decide what to do with him and the other children.

Full write-up

The party stands in the middle of a den of werewolves. At Maulduk’s feet lays an unconscious old female werewolf. The shrill sound of howling wolves echoes from the front of the cave. Krill moves deeper into the caves with Honu following. The ranger sees a room with children held in cages and a woman praying to a statue. Krill sneaks up and attacks the woman. Enraged, the woman turns into a werewolf. Honu arrives and the pair slays the werewolf.

Unbeknown to the adventurers, Revali the elf bard is imprisoned in a cage by Kiril (not Krill) the werewolf. Kiril and his group of werewolves and wolves see the carnage at the mouth of their den. They charge into the cave and leave Revali alone. The imprisoned elf takes a while to pick the lock and make his way towards the battle.

Meanwhile, Maulduk surges forward to meet a large group of werewolves and wolves. Hadrioul tries to assist while pleading for Maulduk to retreat into a more defensible position. Maulduk recklessly cuts a swath through the wolves and Hadrioul is surprisingly effective in helping take down the werewolves. Kiril issues a silent challenge to Maulduk and the barbarian cuts the werewolf leader down.

Honu and Krill encounter another woman and a young boy. The woman turns into a werewolf and stands defensively in front of the boy. Krill shoots the woman and retreats. Before the werewolf can attack, Honu uses a “calm emotions” spell.

After the battle, the adventurers try to sort everything out. Revali manages to escape his prison. He makes his way to the rest of the party and joins them after a few moments of reminiscence. Honu has a nice chat with the woman and boy, and persuades them that the safest place for them would be inside the cage. They agree and lock themselves up. When the rest of the party arrives, the bring the unconscious Bianca and throw her into the cage. Hadrioul uses a “remove curse” on Bianca, and she returns to human form. Honu uses another “remove curse” on the woman, and she suddenly panics when she realizes she is in the same cage as a werewolf. They let her out, along with the human children. They must decide what to do with Kerrell the werewolf boy.