Party: Krill, Hadrioul, Honu, Maulduk, Eiric, Revali
XP: 1000

In the aftermath of the battle in the werewolf den, Eiric, Hadrioul and Maulduk take the bodies to be buried. While they are out, a trio of werewolves attack Honu, Revali and the others that remained in the cavern. Honu and Revali fend off the two werewolves, and Maulduk finishes off the last one.

Upon returning to Krezk with the children, the party sees the Burgomaster talking with a man known as the “Abbott”. The Abbott is willing to bring the Burgomaster’s deceased son back to life in exchange for a wedding dress. When asked if he would be willing to use his divine powers to cure someone of madness, the Abbot indicates he is willing to do so in exchange for someone picking up the wedding dress…he really wants that wedding dress.

Full write-up

Eiric, Hadrioul and Maulduk decide to tidy up the werewolf den by taking out the bodies of werewolves that do not “spark joy” to them. At the front of the cavern, while Hadrioul casts a bonfire to give the entryway some warmth and ambiance, Maulduk and Eiric set up decorative pikes festooned with welcoming werewolf heads.

Meanwhile, Honu, Revali, Bianca and Wensencia do their best to make the back of the cavern comfortable. Unfortunately, a trio of werewolves attack them. Honu unleashes a brutal combination of divine spells to strike at his enemies with spiritual hammer, spirit guardians and cantrips. Revali lends support and manages to make a wolf laugh hysterically on the ground. The pair manage to defeat two of the werewolves and send the third one fleeing. Eiric, Hadiroul and Maulduk hear some noises on their return and help dispatch the last werewolf.

The party spends a long, unsettled night in the werewolf down before returning to Krezk. Upon arriving at Krezk, they see a handsome, charismatic white-robed man known only as the “Abbot”. The Abbot offers to bring the Burgomaster’s deceased child back to life in exchange for a wedding dress. He seeks the finest wedding dress available in the area. When Hadrioul asks if the Abbot could cure someone of madness, the Abbot is willing to do so if the party can retrieve the wedding dress on behalf of the Burgomaster. When the party attempts to add a rustic and homey atmosphere to the Burgomaster’s house, they are kicked out. The adventurers meet up with Ireena and rest for the day.