Fillan, a drow self professed to be connected to a mysterious and powerful organization in Menzoberranzan, recently came into possession of a gem infused with an unknown magical energy. Hoping to avoid bringing attention to herself, she hired the party to find the source of the gem and, ideally, to bring back more of them. She paid in advance and offered additional payment for every gem they could retrieve.
Fillan’s only lead led the group to the compound of Gin and Doth, two bugbear sisters that run their corner of Braeryn with a gang of goblins and orcs. It seems that Tully, a goblin known to be in the employ of Gin and Doth, made a spectacle of himself at gambling hall by bragging about the gem. He may have attracted the attention of other interested parties, including the Derro assassin guild the Grey Ghosts.
Making their way through the slums, the group aggressively attacked a band of Derro stalking the alley ways before a launching a moderate assault on the bugbear compound. Ultimately, the party brokered a deal with the Bugbears. They learned that the gym had come from a Svirfneblin slave that the bugbears had purchased from some drow raiders. Gin and Doth agreed, with the Svirfneblin slave, to lead the group to the mine for a share of the profits.