The party set out from Menzoberranzan with the the Bugbear crime lords Gin and Doth and Svirfneblin slave Grissel Dustloader leading the way. Their march towards the mines near Blingdenstone was uneventful, encountering some drow patrols and Duergar slavers, until they were surprised by a pair of giant centipedes.
The mining complex consisted of 3 chambers just to the west of a massive cavern dominated by flowing magma. The group set off to explore the mines and quickly discovered that a tribe of trogladytes had moved in. After clearing the out the unwanted creatures, the group found two of the glowing gems set above a cave mouth leading beyond the 3rd chamber in the mine. Pushing further in, they found what appeared to be evidence of the raid that claimed these mines, including the bodies of several gnomes, orcs, and goblins.
Looking for more gems, the group continued through the cavern, crossing a river of lava where a misstep almost cost Arvenn his life. Beyond the magma the group was overcome by a feeling of strangeness. A curious nothic and some gibbering mouthers emerged from a ruined structure. After exchanging feats of magic and knowledge, the Nothic pointed the party in the direction of a cave complex to the south where he believed more gems could be found.