Party: Krill, Hadrioul, Honu, Maulduk, Revali
XP: 1500

The party travels to Vallaki to buy a wedding dress for the Abbot. Along the way, they dispatch a band of undead creatures.

When they reach Vallaki, they are escorted to the new Burgomaster, Lady Wachter. She seems interested in the party’s presence and Ireena in particular. Lady Wachter offers the party to rest while she tries to find a wedding dress for them. The party declines and tries to find one on their own. While they were not able to find a quality wedding dress, they did manage to get a trench coat for Maulduk.

Full write-up

The party goes on a shopping trip to Vallaki. During their commute, they get into a fender bender with seven undead creatures. Maulduk tears through the enemies while Krill and Revali rain arrows down. Honu uses his spells to attack the creatures and heal up Hadrioul. Hadrioul gets whiplash from getting unhorsed by the leader of the undead creatures. Revali’s arrow is the one that takes down the undead leader. During the fight, Maulduk’s radiant energy sears off more of his clothes until he is barely decent.

Upon arriving at Vallaki, the guards try to take names before allowing the party to enter. The party offers their own variation on their own name, but Ireena decides to call herself “Jennifer”. After parking their horses at the western gates, the party is invited to meet the mayor (Burgomaster) of the town, Lady Wachter. The conniving old woman appears with a fiendish imp around her neck. Lady Wachter mentions that she may have a fancy wedding dress in the house of the former Burgomaster. She seems to be particularly interested in “Jennifer” and seems to use some peculiar ability to entice her to remain while the rest of the party shops. Krill drags “Jennifer” away with the rest of the party.

Despite shopping high and low, they cannot find a wedding dress that would most likely satisfy the Abbot’s demanding tastes. The party recalls being told that the former Burgomaster’s wife did possess a fine wedding dress, and reluctantly concede that they may have to go back for it. In the meantime, Maulduk buys a big, black trench coat to hide his enormously well-endowed…muscles.