Party: Baltro, Elisandra, Ermergerd, Luca, Naeric, Randen, Velrak
XP: 1150
Session 3: Slay, Waylay and Betray

Short Synopsis
Some baby salamanders were quickly found
And mercilessly crushed to the ground.
Luka found some eggs still quite alive
And the party quickly began to connive.

Sneaky Luka and Velric went over to talk
With a large salamander who began to balk
Luka and Velric offered to make restitution
With two lives and some ore as contribution.
Gin and Doth thought they had a deal
But were betrayed before they could squeal.
The party ended up taking all of the stuff
And didn’t have a problem playing rough.

Long Synopsis
The adventurers head south to find a hatchery with a juvenile salamander and young fire snakes. Naeric fires with her bow and charges in. Ermegard and Velric follow with their own attacks while Elisandra casts faerie fire. Luka and Baltro jump down to attack. Randen starts shooting. The salamander sets Ermgergard and Randen on fire. After a bitter fight, the party takes down the fiery creatures and the salamander runs to the south.

Naeric charges into the southern room to find a large salamander and his follows. Meanwhile the rest of the party investigates the hatchery. They find some unhatched eggs that appear to be still viable. Luka and Velric take the eggs and attempt to negotiate with the large salamander and his retinue in the next room. In exchange for the massacre of the salamander younglings, the large salamander is willing to take restitution in the form of metals and the lives of two of the “tribe” of the adventurers. Conveniently, Luka and Naeric offer up Gin and Doth, the bugbear sisters. When the group donates their metals and are essentially unarmed, most of the party turn on Gin and Doth. The bugbears are cutdown in front of the salamander, who appears to be satisfied. Velric kills the bugbear’s goblin servant. Luka manages to persuade the salamanders to give the party the eerie looking gemstones for free. Randen sets the gnome slave free after the party makes a few inquiries.

Upon returning to the Broken Beak, the party talks with Fallin. She pays them gold in exchange for the strange gemstones. Then she mentions another job involving the House Q’ortine. Apparently, the Bellik Q’ortine, a wizard, was the one who orchestrated the raid to find these strange gems. He seems to have some arcane knowledge about the gems. Fallin mentions that she had sent a surface dwarf, Grim Milestone, as an undercover agent to find out more. Unfortunately, she lost contact with Grim Milestone and suspects that the agent may be in danger. Fallin would like the party to kidnap Bellik and to retrieve whatever items they can about these gemstones. She is open to the party returning with the notes if the notes have sufficient information to satisfy her client. Fallin also asks that the party seek to return Grim Milestone as well. House Q’ortine is not a large house, but it is ruled by Wyandra Q’ortine. Lavan, a male drow warrior, is a renowned warrior that serves the house. Fallin gives the party a ten day to accomplish this task.