Party: Krill, Hadrioul, Honu, Maulduk, Eiric, Revali
XP: 560

Concerned about Lady Wachter’s interest in Ireena, the party splits up. Krill and Ireena go to the Church of Saint Andral. The rest of the party go to the Burgomaster’s house. Lady Wachter’s servant, Ernst, tells the main party to relax while he goes out on an errand. Ernst takes a large band of cultists to find Krill and Ireena. They forcibly take Ireena away. Ernst tells the party that Lady Wachter will give them the wedding dress sought after by the Abbot, but that Ireena would not leave with them.

After being kicked out of Vallaki, the party finds another way to enter the city. After dodging a number of guard patrols, the party arrives at Lady Wachter. Like a tempest, the party attacks the hapless cultists on guard. The party make their way into the mansion. Hadrioul and Krill break in from the front door. Maulduk flies through a second story window into a room filled with cats and a single woman.

Full write-up

After acquiring their heavy winter clothes, the party goes their Separate Ways. Krill and Ireena (under her alias “Jennifer”) go to the Church of Saint Andral while the rest head to the Burgomaster’s House. The main party is greeted by Ernst, the servant of Lady Wachter. Ernst leaves them to dine while he goes out on some errands for his mistress.

Meanwhile, Loverboy Krill and Ireena encounter Ernst with a band of heavily armed cultists. The cultists forcibly take Ireena to uptown Vallaki. Krill tells Ireena that “I’m Never Give You Up” and that he would return for her. When Krill makes his way back to the others, he tells them that Ernst had taken Ireena to Lady Wachter’s place. Ernst tells them the party that Lady Wachter will give them the expensive wedding dress that the Abbot seeks, but that they must depart Vallaki without the Uptown Girl.

The party is escorted by Ernst and a large company of guards to the southern gates. Ernst hands them the wedding dress and tells them to Beat It. The party upholds their part of the bargain and leave Vallaki. The Talking Heads of the party spend a long time discussing how to proceed. They head towards a breach in the wall in the southwestern wall of Vallaki that is guarded by a handful of guards. Hadrioul tries to bribe them, but they do not fall for his Cheap Trick. Honu comes to the rescue with a *calm emotions* spell.

The Motley Crue of adventurers go on a dangerous Journey through Vallaki to reach the house of Lady Wachter. Like a hurricane, the party assaults the cultists guarding Lady Wachter’s abode. Krill launches arrows and a number cultists are Shot Through the Heart. Livin’ on a Prayer, cleric Hadrioul uses his divine magic to smite the enemy. Like a Maniac who is Lost in Emotion, Maulduk uses his weapon to turn the cultists into bloody Cult Jam. One poor Survivor wets his pants and runs off with Tears for Fears. Revali goes to Shout out some *bardic inspiration* for Maulduk. Eiric uses Magic to summon Great Balls of Fire to disintegrate multiple cultists. Honu disappears, perhaps looking for some cabbage in the Wachter gardens.

After the cultists fall like Toy Soldiers, Hadrioul and Krill break down the front door. Hadrioiul uses a fire bolt on the front door. Krill charges through the burning door and falls at the feet of two cultists. Hadrioul summons a *spiritual hammer* and uses it like a Sledgehammer. Meanwhile, Maulduk’s hurtles into the air and crashes into a second-story room with a woman and many angry cats.

Take On Me!” roars the Slayer Maulduk. The winged warrior grips his sword and is prepared to act next…