Party: Hadrioul, Honu, Maulduk, Eiric, Revali
XP: 1150

The brave adventurers charge into the Wachter house from different entrances.

Eiric and Hadrioul charge in from the front door. Maulduk breaks in from the second story window. Revali enters from the back door. Honu climbs in from a window. The party splits up, meets up and splits up into different areas of the mansion.

Eventually, Maulduk leads the way to the cellar where the find Ireena held prisoner by Lady Wachter, her sons and her servants. She refuses to give up Ireena. A bloody battle ensues in which Maulduk finishes off Lady Wachter. Hadrioul accepts the surrender from Ernst and the Wachter sons. Meanwhile, Eiric spends time talking to Lady Wachter’s strangely cat-obsessed daughter on the top floor. He makes his way down to the cellar to rejoin the group.

Full write-up

In a second story room, Maulduk finds himself surrounded by a frightened maid and eight cats. Thinking fast, Maulduk snags a cat hostage and waves it at the maid.

“You wench! Tell me where is Lady Wachter. Otherwise, the cat gets it!” Maulduk says.
The frightened maid tells him that Lady Wachter must either be in the master bedroom or in the cellar. When Maulduk finds out that the lady is not in the master bedroom, he storms downstairs calling out: “Cellar? Where is the cellar?”

At the front of the Wachter mansion, Eiric finds him sprawled upon the floor at the feet of cultists. While wondering how he had gotten himself into such a precarious position, the cultists stab at him. Hadrioul casts *spiritual guardians* and becomes encircled by a swirling barrier of protective spirits. Eiric uses a *reduce* spell on one cultist. Together, the pair break through from the front.

Honu peers in from a side window and starts attacking cultists with his magic. After taking down a cultist, he makes his way in through a window. He sees Eiric and Hadrioul fighting another cultist.
Revali picks a lock and goes through the back. He half-elf runs into cultists with whom he exchanges witty remarks and blows. Revali uses a hypnotic pattern to mesmerize the pair of cultists and he takes off into the mansion.

Maulduk passes by Hadrioul and Revali in his search for the cellar. The mighty barbarian makes his way down into the cellar and finds an imprisoned Ireena with Lady Wachter and her sons and servants. Maulduk demands Ireena’s release, but Lady Wachter summons a number of skeletal minions. Revali, Hadrioul and Honu catch up. Maulduk tears his way through the skeletons and slays Lady Wachter. Hadrioul, Honu and Revali follow up with their own attacks. Overwhelmed by the ferocity of the assault, Ernst and Lady Wachter’s sons surrender.

Meanwhile, Eiric has enlarged himself and feels the testosterone pumping through his manly veins. He starts kicking and breaking through doors, except he fails at one particular door. Behind that door is Lady Wachter’s daughter, Stella, who is obsessed with cats. She is locked in the door, with the key held by Lady Wachter. Eiric goes downstairs to find the party discussing the state of politics in Vallaki…