Party: Ozi, Grig, Koruk, Rhad'avatza, Venum
XP: 2678
The Derelicts moved quickly down side streets and through the back alleys of Menzoberranzan, the drow magi noble bound and gagged and thrown over the ogre’s shoulder in a burlap bag. They had arranged for safe passage out of the city. From there the group turned south, bound for Darklake where Arvenn had boats waiting. Smuggling was his business.

The wilderness of the Underdark proved treacherous as the Derelicts encampment was attacked by a pair of hungry umber hulks. The monsters were quickly driven away after a short but ferocious melee.

Even more treacherous, Ozi had managed to slip drow control rings onto Grig and Koruk in the middle of the night while they were sleeping, subjecting them to his will. Venum was curious how the goblin would exercise dominion.

The boats were docked at a remote village on the north shore of Darklake. It was there that the drow raiding party mounted on giant riding lizards caught up with the group.

“Give me my brother or die,” the matron mother exclaimed.

Grig spat. “ I choose death,” he snarled, unfurling his spiked flail. Suddenly he wondered what Ozi would want, and stood drooling over the goblin expectantly awaiting orders. Koruk was already there.

“Very well”, said the matron, summoning a demon. The creature took the form of a pillar of yellow poisonous slime with a single bulbous eye. The rest of the drow charged the docks on the lizardback.

After a brutal melee the Derelicts were victorious. The drow were dead while the demon escaped into the depths of the lake. It was then that Ozi decided to dismiss the ogre and the gnoll bidding them farewell.

“Start marching and don’t stop until you reach Blingdenstone, he commanded. I’ll make sure to keep your share of the treasure.” he waved after them.

Venum thought better of it and requested Ozi to rescind the order. After all, giant blind albino squid and duergar pirates were known to prowl the Darklake. Ozi refused.
“Then remove their rings,” Venum hissed impatiently.

“No!” swore Ozi.

Venum used the voice, “REMOVE THEIR RINGS!”

Ozi frowned and reluctantly complied, smiling sheepishly as he slipped the rings off the fingers of the ogre and gnoll. Koruk glowered at the goblin. Grig laughed maniacally.
I noticed you hadn’t posted this yet so I gave it a minor rewrite