Party: Hadrioul, Honu, Maulduk, Eiric, Revali
XP: 900

In the aftermath of Lady Wachter’s demise, the party talks with her sons and her servant Ernst. After the sons and Ernst agree not to pursue any ambitions to claim Vallaki, the adventurers begin exploring the Wachter house. Krill finds a strange summoning room hidden in the cellar. Honu searches upstairs and comes back with Lord Wachter’s body and a chest of bones. Hadrioul discovers a chest with strange documents. Maulduk, Revali and Ireena come back with Stella Wachter, who thinks she is a cat.

The adventurers leave the Wachter house to take Stella to the Church of Saint Andral. Father Lucian greets them and shelters them for the night.

On the next morning, the party talks with Erwin, the owner of the Blue River Inn. They ask if he can takeover as Burgomaster, but he tells them that he must talk to his family before taking such an action. He gives them more helpful information about the Amber Temple and a place of “dizzying heights”. The party will leave Stella Wachter in the care of Father Lucian. Ireena will stay with Erwin while the party makes plans to return to Krezk.

Full write-up

After defeating Lady Wachter, Hadiroul has a brisk communication with Lady Wachter’s sons and Ernst.

Hadrioul warns them: “You guys better not try to take control of Vallaki. Copy that?”
“10-4, roger that,” the Wachter sons and Ernst acknowledge.

Krill discovers hidden room in the cellar. “I’ve got a 10-17, guys. There’s a strange summoning room here.”

“Copy that,” Hadrioul says. “This looks like sham summoning circle.”
Meanwhile, Honu heads upstairs to find a dead body lying on Lady Wachter’s bed. From what he can tell, the body has been dead for a while, but is being kept “fresh” by magic. He tries to contact the spirit of the dead person.

“Come in, spirit. Do you copy?” Honu asks.

“Affirmative,” the spirit responds.

Honu discovers that the spirit is Lord Wachter and that he wants to be buried at the Church of Saint Andral.

Hadrioul finds a chest with a leather case, an old letter, a copy of diabolist book, an old pipe and the deed to the Wachter house. He also brings Maulduk, Revali and Ireena talk to with Stella Wachter, who thinks she is a cat. Revali’s winning personality calms Stella, but they are unable to open the door.

“We need a 10-37 here,” Revali says.

In response, Maulduk uses his manly muscles to break down the door. They persuade Stella to come with them to the Church of Saint Andral. As they walk through the streets of Vallaki, the citizens watch them with from a respectful distance, with possible awe and wonder in their eyes (or possibly a “not these guys again” look).

At the Church of Saint Andral, Lucian shelters them for the night. When the party asks Lucian for a good prospect for the next Burgomaster, he recommends that they talk with Erwin at the Blue Water Inn, a place where ravens like to flock. Lucian is unable to cure Stella’s madness and tells them a greater restoration is needed.

When they talk with Erwin, they ask if he can become the burgomaster. While he has the bloodline, he hesitates for drawing the attention of Strahd.

“Can you give us a 10-13 on the way to the Amber Temple and the place of dizzying heights?” one of the party members asks.

Erwin says the highest place is at the castle Ravenloft. The road conditions to the temple will be rough and that the safest route is shown on the red on the map below.

Image goes here 🙂 

The party agrees to leave Ireena and the chest of documents with Erwin while they head to Krezk.
CB Trucker 10-Code Glossary

  • 10-4: Message received
  • 10-13: Advice required regarding Weather/Road conditions
  • 10-17: Something Urgent
  • 10-37: Wrecker needed at ***location***