Party: Boarstack, Ilidan, Jax, Kepesk, Warlan, Iluna
XP: 1100
Underdark Odyssey

Short Synopsis

While at the One-Eyed Jax, the party argues about their next course of action. Eventually, they decide to head to the Labyrinth to find six feathers from six angels.

The adventurers trudge through the dangerous Underdark to reach the Labyrinth. Along the way, Iluna and Khazad show signs of stress from the faerzress. Even the reliable Jax cracks and attacks Warlan (twice). Illidan manages to knock Jax asleep with a sleeping dart.

A roving band of minotaurs attacks the party. Despite the madness gripping a number of the adventurers, the party manages to dispatch the minotaurs.

Long Synopsis

At the One-Eyed Jax, the party uses their Sense and Sensibility to figure out their next step. The Pride and Prejudice of certain members makes it almost impossible to entertain a deal with Graz’zt. Instead, the adventurers decide to head acquire six angel feathers from six angels. Before heading off, they talk with one of the Captains at Luskan. He warns them about the faerzress in the Underdark, which some of the party members had previously dealt with. It creates a magically induced madness that can only be cured by a *greater restoration* or *wish* spell, but a *remove curse* spell can take away the symptoms.

With Great Expectations, the party heads to the Underdark. On their long Odyssey through the Underdark, Iluna and Khazad begin to exhibit signs of mental distress. In fact, Iluna and Khazad seem to have become Studies on Hysteria. After a month of traveling, they arrive at the Labyrinth. The madness also struck Jax, who used his weapon to strike Warlan who was more hurt emotionally than physically by the attack. Illidan managed to put Jax under a magical sleep with his dart.

Then a pack of minotaurs attacked the party. In an attempt to show the party How to Win Friends and Influence People, Illidan uses words to seek a non-violent solution. Possessing one of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Boarstack decided to be proactive and attack the minotaurs. The Sound and the Fury of the ensuing battle is incredible. Four enemies surround Boarstack and when he is gored, he discovers the Inconvenient Truth of fighting minotaurs. Illidan drops a globe of darkness and uses his crossbow to make a minotaur take the Big Sleep. Khazad makes deranged gestures at the minotaurs, and Warlan needs to spend time removing the influence of the faerzress from Khazad and Jax. Once Khazad is cured, he undergoes a draconic Metamorphosis and unleashes a devastating attack on the minotaurs. Iluna levitates and unleashes magic like The Tempest, but she does lose her hair while casting an ice knife spell. Illidan continually undergoes dazzling and sensational so that Khazad can recount the drow’s tales. Meanwhile, Boarstack earns a Red Badge of Courage as fights off several minotaurs alone. After being cured, Jax joins the battle and takes down a minotaur. The party defeats all of the minotaurs to achieve Victory.