Party: Endrin, Triple J, Eris, Conan II
XP: (Milestone)

The sun had already set on the frigid Duscar eve as the band of adventurers set forth from Alfield towards Zadash. Unaccustomed to the biting winds, Triple J struggled to keep their horse drawn cart on track while donning layer upon layer of extravagant clothing. The wind wasn’t the only thing chilling the party however as they passed by an all to familiar grave site just north of the Alfield Wood. Less than eager to revisit the still too recent horrors wrought from their prior investigation of the graves, Triple J and Conan urged the party onward. The group covered as much ground as they could before their bodies grew weary and the cold claimed their vigor. They eventually settled into a shallow recess in the now barren plains east of the road.

Triple J took first watch while the others gathered round the cart for shelter and warmth. The young half-elf was met with a most curious sensation as a snowflake fell upon his forehead. The darkened skies above gave way to a steady snowfall gently blanketing Conan and Soren. After a while, Triple J crept under the cart to wake the sleeping Endrin. The gnome chuckled at the perplexed look on Triple J’s face, the face of one who had clearly never encountered snow before. Endrin spent his watch taking solace in the serene winter night. Finally alone with his thoughts, Endrin tampered with his most prized possession in an attempt to uncover some shred of truth behind it and perhaps even himself. Eventually Endrin’s watch came to an end. Unsure of who to wake next, the gnome jostled the grumpy Conan from his slumber alongside the cart. Annoyed at being woken out of turn, the warrior trudged out into the snow to begin his watch.

A short while into his watch, the ever vigilant fighter’s ears perked up as the sound of snow crunching beneath footfalls drew closer from the darkness. Springing to action, Conan woke the others and alerted them to the potential threat. Unable to see, Endrin sent forth his globules of light, illuminating four humanoid dog-like creatures crouching down in the snow. With their discovery, the gnoll scouting party sprang to action under the command of the largest and began their assault on the party. Arrows and spells flew through the dimly lit field, painting the snow red on both sides of the conflict. Triple J inspired Conan’s tactical slashing while Endrin used the force of gravity to crush their adversaries. Soren, channeling their divine might, smote the gnolls with thunderous ferocity. In a last ditch effort for survival, the cornered pack leader cut down Conan in frenzy before ultimately faltering beneath the combined might of the misfit adventurers. Their enemies defeated and their corpses looted, the party returned to their slumber, Conan resuming his watch once more. Snow continued to fall upon the weary warrior as he cleaned his blade, the cold reminding him of home, the bloodied weapon reminding him of loss.

The party resumed their journey north through the Marrow Valley the next morning, Triple J helming the journey once more. Despite the steady snowfall, the bard was able to make out another group of travelers approaching down the road in the opposite direction. As the other group neared, Endrin tensed and his fingers crackled with arcane energy as he recognized the faces of the travelers to be those of the band who had abducted him on his initial attempt to head toward Zadash. After a moment of tension at the mutual recognition, both groups passed each other without incident. Soren comforted the still anxious Endrin as the party continued on down the road. The grey sky grew dark once more, and the weary party made camp in a string of large snowy hills, Zadash awaiting them just beyond. Triple J provided entertainment for his new friends in the form of an exotic dancer formed from globules of arcane light. The party followed the dancer’s truthful swaying hips to a wide cave mouth where they bedded down for the night. Most of the night’s watches passed without incident with the exception of Endrin. In the furthered examination of his artifact, the inquisitive gnome felt his consciousness get pulled briefly into the great infinite expanse seemingly contained within the object. Wary of delving further, Endrin meticulously stowed his possessions and returned to sleep.

The next morning was met with rays of sunlight peaking through the bleak clouds above. Hopeful and eager to reach the end of their journey, the party traversed the road through the hills. As mid day neared, the group rounded the last of the snowy peaks and rested their eyes on the sprawling city of Zadash, its three towering spires standing proud in the distance.