Party: Endrin, Triple J, Eris, Conan II
XP: (Milestone)

Triple J, Endrin, and Conan sat down for a nice hot meal and a moment of rest following another successful endeavor for the Gentleman’s crime syndicate. They took the opportunity to assess their next course of action as well as muse about the ever present shroud lingering over their mysterious blonde companion. Not wanting to leave anyone out, Triple J saw fit to test out a new trick of his and seemingly summoned Soren down to the bar with little more than a whisper and a touch of magic. FCG ate and drank as one before retiring for the evening. Endrin took time to study his familial heirloom yet again, this time delving even deeper into its otherworldly power with the help of his latest arcane knowledge. Soren and Triple J found rest quickly while the troubled Conan struggled to find peace after the mention of his wife earlier in the evening.

The next morning, Soren grimaced in agony as her affliction seemed to spread further, wracking her body with immediate fatigue. Nonetheless, the stalwart paladin donned her armor and reconvened with her new companions downstairs. Deciding that they’re first order of business should be to extort Starosta Wyatt Fedar for the return of his official portrait, they set off for the Innerstead Sprawl. Along the way, they encountered a would be robber slain for his crime by one of the Gentleman’s other thugs, the consequences of their past work already taking hold in Zadash. From the local town crier, they also heard word of the upcoming New Dawn Festival in just a few weeks time, and that all Felderwin refugees were instructed to find residence in the Outersteads. 

A short while later, FCG arrived at the King’s Hall and quickly arranged another audience with the Starosta. Irritable as ever at the sight of those who had already bested him once, the Starosta was harsh and crass in the negotiations to reacquire the portrait from the party. Refusing to give the party a single copper for it, the Starosta demanded the return of the portrait and that FCG depart immediately. The party obliged, but not before Triple J put the angry little halfling lord to sleep while Endrin and Soren coordinated to trap Wyatt along with the angered guards inside the meeting chamber by means of a magically immovable portrait. Nonchalantly, the party exited the King’s Hall and hurried to the other side of the sprawl, evading any potential pursuit.

The group decided their next course of action should be to follow up with the Valley Archive of the Cobalt Soul regarding the information they had learned working with the Gentleman. Along the way, FCG came across a temple to Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon. At Soren’s request for a moment to pay her respects, the party entered. As Soren prostrated herself before the massive winged idol at the center, icy visions of death and despair, a warning from Bahamut,  filled her mind. Clearly disturbed Soren hastily gathered the others and ushered them out and away from the temple. Unsatisfied, with the paladin’s explanation of recent events, the party prodded her further. Soren revealed that she was very ill and that time was of the essence if she wanted to find a cure.

As the sun neared its apex, the party arrived at the archive. Triple J sought out their contact, Curator Edna Ienarth, to disclose the party’s findings of corruption and poverty within Zadash. Clearly disappointed, Edna expressed that she was well aware of the city’s ailments already and was instead looking for the group to take real action for the benefit of Zadash’s people. As the group reflected on their failure to do so over the past few days, they also remembered their initial motivation for agreeing to work with the Cobalt Soul, the translation of the three tomes uncovered in the dark sepulcher where their journey began. As Endrin had already translated the tomes himself a few days prior, Triple J inquired about a deity known as the Raven Queen, the subject of one of the tomes. The Curator informed them that a small shrine to the Raven Queen stood at the Ossuary Gates, the city’s cemetery. Trying to connect the dots, the party then asked if the Raven Queen might have a cult working within the city. Edna’s ears perked up at the mention of cult activity beneath the city. FCG went into great detail regarding their dealings with the cult, describing their idolatry and shadowy lair. Greatly disturbed, Edna informed the group that the depiction of a hand holding an eye belonged to none other than the Lich Lord Vecna, and that the dark realm they referred to was known as the Shadowfel.

Curiosities peaked, Soren and Endrin elected to conduct some research at the archive while Triple J and Conan headed back out to the Outersteads to see if they could find a way to help the impoverished citizens.  Endrin spent his time researching Vecna’s ascension to godhood through the re-creation of the Raven Queen’s rights of ascension as well as the activity of Vecna’s cult, the Remnants. Soren sought to uncover more secrets of her disease, but came up empty in her examination of blood curses and the Shadowfel. Meanwhile, Triple J and Conan purchased some candy at the Pentamarket for the means of potential bribery before heading back out into the slums. After some unsuccessful eavesdropping on the common folk, Triple J decided to take a more direct approach. The ever confident bard found the tallest barrel in the streets and began to play a ballad for all to hear, hoping to gain favor with his performance. The air was cold however, and Triple J’s normally dexterous fingers failed to hit the right notes. The small forming crowd dispersed from the awful melody. Only one figure remained behind. 

The man mocked Triple J’s performance before conceding that he recognized the muddled tune as the Ballad of the Grinning Fool. The gruff looking human introduced himself as Fynnlend and offered his assistance on behalf of his prior affiliations with the Golden Grin. Relieved, Triple J and Conan got as much information as they could from Fynnlend. They learned that the Outersteads had become extremely crowded as of late, flooded with refugees from Felderwin following the Kryn incursion. They also learned that food had become scarce as a large portion of the Felderwin Tillage, the empire’s breadbasket, had been put to the torch in the attack. Finally, Fynnlend revealed that what food had been brought into the city was usually allocated for the Righteous Brand and the nobility within the Tri-Spires.

The whole walk back to the archive, the wheels in Triple J’s head were spinning. After reconvening and exchanging information with Endrin and Soren, Triple J proposed that the party open up a soup kitchen in the Outersteads. Unable to fund such an endeavor on their own however, Triple J also suggested that they seek the Gentleman’s backing for the project, offering to allow the crime lord to use the kitchen as a front. The party tentatively agreed to the plan and made their way to the Evening Nip and the Gentleman’s hideout below.

The Gentleman appeared before FCG and heard Triple J out. Not one for charity and preferring to stick to the shadows, the Gentleman initially failed to see how gaining a shack in the slums and social clout among beggars could further his business ventures. It was at this moment, however, where Endrin caught the Gentleman’s eye and the mutual spark of an idea ignited. What if they were to take this social clout idea a step further, no, miles further? Thus the plan was hatched, details pending, to replace Starosta Wyatt Fedar with a figurehead of the Gentleman’s choosing, giving the Gentleman full control over the city. Aiding the poor while simultaneously sabotaging the New Dawn Festival would be certain to place a great deal of heat on the current Starosta. Delighted, at the thought, the crime lord agreed to aid FCG in their quest to feed the poor in exchange for their help in ascending to even greater power within Zadash. With much work to be done FCG gathered round a table deep in Zadash’s underbelly to plan their coup.