Party: Endrin, Triple J, Eris, Conan II
XP: (Milestone)

Unwilling to leave the half-dragonborn child behind in the drug house, FCG retrieved Hulvie and set off in search of his mother Nala. With a quick bribe, FCG successfully gained access to the Tri-Spires district, the home of Zadash’s wealthy elite. They quickly noticed that the remnants from their recent excursion into the sewers drew some unwanted attention from the locals, and they decided it best to clean up a bit before continuing on. FCG stopped in for a few hours at the Spire Sauna for a much needed bath and some clean clothes. The ever secretive Soren opted to bathe separately.

Feeling fresh, FCG made their way to the to the Triumph Chime, the shortest of Zadash’s three spires and the workplace of Hulvie’s mother. It didn’t take long within the Triumph Chime’s casino like atmosphere to spot the dragonborn in question. Soren, Triple J, and Endrin arrived just in time to witness an argument between the scantly clad Nala and a gentleman patron. Before they could react the man struck Nala across the face, sending her running into the streets choking back tears. Endrin’s keen eye picked up bits of their conversation through lip reading and the gnome was able to deduce that this man was likely Hulvie’s father.

FCG followed Nala down an alleyway, Conan carrying Hulvie there. The party comforted and clothed the shaken women, while they figured out a way to help. FCG offered her a job at their soon-to-be soup kitchen, and a safe place for Nala and Hulvie to work and be together. Through their conversation with Nala, they also learned a bit about her abuser, Agronomist Hulvin Von’Burgh, and decided that, pressured properly, he could provide a reliable source of food for their kitchen.  Nala agreed to come work at the soup kitchen the next day, and she and Hulvie departed.

Later that night, FCG returned to the Gentleman’s hideout beneath the Evening Nip. They discussed their progress with the Gentleman as well as inquired about potential figurehead candidates for the impending takeover, including Hulvin. The Gentleman showed relative indifference to the figurehead decision, his only requirement being that said person be easy to control. The Gentleman did, however, agree to see to the repair, improvement, and furnishing of the drug house necessary to turn it into a functioning soup kitchen. Finally, Triple J suggested a name for their new political organization. Ratified by the Gentleman himself, the name “Miracle Movement” came to be. With their business concluded, FCG headed back to the Leaky Tap for some hot food and a night’s rest.

The next morning, FCG headed to the soup kitchen to see what still needed to be done. They were shocked, upon arrival, at the amount of progress that had already been made on the structure overnight. Windows had been fixed up, structural damage repaired, a new cellar dug, and a multitude of tables, chairs, and kitchen equipment had been delivered and piled up inside. Endrin and Conan wasted no time in putting Nala and Claudia to work arranging furniture. Endrin made the tables lighter and much more manageable while Conan kept an eye trained on the Gentleman’s thugs sent to stand watch.

With the perfect location secured, FCG set about their next order of business, acquiring food for the kitchen. They decided to pay a visit to Agronomist Hulvin Von’Burgh and headed to the King’s Hall once more. Fearing their usual likeliness would be barred from entrance after their last two visits, the party did their best to disguise themselves before approaching. As they were about to enter, an angry young woman came storming out. Triple J, disguised as a busty Yuan-Ti, called out to her, his usual charm capturing her attention. She introduced herself as Lydia Truscan. Lydia voiced her grievances regarding the Starosta, and the two parties found themselves in agreement that it was high time for some change in Zadash.  Intrigued by FCG’s recent charitable undertaking, Lydia agreed to meet FCG at the soup kitchen later that evening to discuss what else could be done.

Lydia also pointed out that the Agronomist could be found in the structure adjacent to the King’s Hall. The party thanked her and headed over. Within, FCG discovered crates upon crates of food piled up. Making a mental note, they wound their way back to Hulvin’s office. Clearly roused from his mid day nap but nonetheless captivated by Triple J’s heaping bosom, Hulvin invited the party inside. Endrin closed the door behind him and folded his arms, looking as tough as possible, while the party began their attempted blackmail. Through viscous mock articles and the knowledge of Hulvin’s bastard child, FCG stumbled their way to a successful agreement. Hulvin agreed to deliver food to the soup kitchen daily out of fear that his familial name would be ruined if news of his escapades got out. Satisfied, FCG rolled out.

On their way back to the soup kitchen, they stopped in at the Invulnerable Vagrant, the trip resulting in a business deal between Endrin and the store’s proprietor, Pumat Sol. FCG arrived back at the soup kitchen just in time to catch Hulvin delivering the first batch of food. Hulvie came running out to greet his father and embraced him with all of his tiny might. Attempting to make more of a parental effort at the request of Soren, Hulvin invited both Nala and Hulvie for dinner, and the broken family headed off into the evening. With a moment to themselves finally, Conan expressed his discontent and concern regarding their arrangements with the Gentleman.

While waiting for Lydia to show up, Triple J and Conan made a quick run to a local “liquor” store, Barney’s Booze, to procure some supplies to celebrate the group’s recent success. Shortly after the duo returned, Lydia arrived. FCG laid out their plans to her and revealed that the Gentleman was their benefactor in all of this. Troubled at the thought of working with a notorious criminal, her expression and optimistic outlook darkened. Soren’s pleas and promise of change for the better won her over in the end, and she agreed to accept the nomination of Starosta, should it be offered.

Before Lydia could depart, Soren requested a word in private with her. Upstairs, Soren removed her shroud, revealing her face and platinum blonde hair. “Eris!” Lydia exclaimed, clearly recognizing the divine warrior. The two talked for a while, reinforcing a long forgotten bond, and promising to make the world a better place together.