Party: Endrin, Triple J, Eris, Nyx, Malcolm
XP: (Milestone)

FCG backtracked to where the tunnel divided below, and this time, took the right most passage, delving further beneath the mountains. They forged onward until they came across a steep decline with a rope fastened to a hook near the top. Triple J’s keen insight discerned that the rope’s placement was too convenient and scanned the area for traps. He discovered a thin trip wire connected to a pile of boulders suspended from the the tunnel roof, and then harmlessly sprung the trap from a distance through use of his mage hand. The sound of tumbling rocks alarmed a group of nearby goblins. The goblins cautiously approached the group, spears at the ready, as FCG began defusing the situation. Through song, full on frontal nudity, and news of the ropers’ demise up near the central cavern, FCG convinced the goblins that they were not a threat and even earned themselves an invitation to dinner. Eager to reach the Ashguard Garrison, FCG declined the goblins’ invitation and parted ways in peace.

It was not long, before the party emerged into a gargantuan, 20 ft. diameter, tunnel. Brett immediately identified the area as a route carved out by the Kryn’s purple worms, and directed the party southwards through the tunnel. The stench of carrion and the sound of voices ahead began to fill the tunnel. As they neared the mouth of an even larger cavern, Brett instructed the party to stay put for a moment while he went and treated with his allies ahead. In Brett’s absence, Endrin proposed the idea of fleeing with the beacon once more, noting that this was likely the party’s last chance to make a break for it. Lacking confidence in they’re ability to escape a full on Kryn pursuit at this juncture, FCG elected to stay and await their fate at the hands of the Dynasty. Shortly thereafter, Brett returned, followed closely by a group of drow soldiers clad in the black chitonous armor of the Kryn. FCG was taken into custody and escorted through the purple worm den up into the ruined fortress that was once the proud Ashguard Garrison. The party caught many curious looks from the legion of drow and goblinoid soldiers now occupying the fort. 

FCG was taken to a makeshift holding pen, comprised of little more than a rickety fence and a few large stakes embedded in the mud, while Brett left to seek an audience with the Dusklord. They were not alone in the holding pen, however. The party noticed a human man, tied to a post, staring intently at Conan’s old armor, still slung across Triple J’s back. The party engaged in conversation with the man, Malcolm, who claimed to be searching for Conan. Malcolm was distraught to learn of Conan’s death and slunk back down into the mud. FCG was debating whether or not to help free the sullen individual when Brett returned.

Leaving Nyx behind with Malcolm in the holding pen, Brett escorted Eris, Endrin, and Triple J to a large tent where Dusklord Noravak, a hulking female goliath, awaited them. The Dusklord instructed Endrin to produce the beacon. Hesitantly, Endrin obliged. Upon confirming the authenticity of the artifact, the Dusklord began barking out orders to her subordinates, instructing them to send for the Shadowdancer and make preparations to transport the beacon to Asarius. Urgent business having been tended to, Dusklord Noravak offered her gratitude to the party for their great service and act of good will towards the Dynasty, stating that no price was too large for the return of one of the Kryn’s prized artifacts. Eris’ health their foremost concern, FCG sought safe passage to Eiselcross by any means, along with the freedom of Nyx and Malcolm. The Dusklord informed them that they could reach Eiselcross from Asarius via arcane transportation and suggested the group accompany the beacon’s caravan the next morning. The Dusklord agreed to set Malcolm free as well, but made no promises regarding the Volstrucker, Nyx, stating that a formal interrogation was required beforehand. FCG was content as they could be with the arrangement and was escorted to temporary quarters for the night, Endrin sparing one last glance at his beloved Avon Stone.

Meanwhile, Nyx endured great agony at the expense of Truthseer Orla. The Kryn inquisitor probed the sorceress with many questions, torturing Nyx with necrotic energy, despite truthful responses, until Nyx finally fell unconscious. Nyx awoke, tied to a post in the mud next to Malcolm. Siblings in suffering, the two captives exchanged a few words before their eyelids grew heavy.

Night Captain Organ, a gruff hobgoblin, roused Triple J, Endrin, and Eris the next morning. Organ escorted the trio, beneath a still starry sky, to the eastern gates of the garrison where, much to their delight, they met up with the recently freed Nyx and Malcolm. The time for joyous reunion was short however, as a silver haired drow adorned in the Dynasty’s finest armor approached from amidst a nearby group of Kryn soldiers. The impressive figure introduced himself as Shadowdancer Xavier Emberstone and informed the party that he would be their commanding officer for this mission.