Party: Endrin, Triple J, Eris, Nyx, Malcolm
XP: (Milestone)

FCG and the rest of what remained of the Kryn caravan arrived in Asarius, late at night. Wading through a sea of reverent gazes from the city’s wastefolk inhabitants, FCG was escorted to the Aurora Hold for an audience and debriefing with Den Mother Zethris Olios, Asarius’ ruler. Once behind closed doors, Cylan produced the Luxon Beacon that the party had been escorting and handed it over to Zethris for safe keeping. Grateful for the Beacon’s safe deliverance, Zethris offered the party another reward in addition to the already agreed upon transportation to the frozen land of Eiselcross. Given the choice between a favor and cold hard gold, FCG took the money. FCG was also given quarters in the Aurora Hold’s spire for the duration of their stay, along with symbols of the Bright Queen to open social doors within the Dynasty that would otherwise be closed to the party’s more human members. Finally, before FCG departed for their rooms, Zethris informed the group that the New Radiance, one of the three ships of the floating city, Vurmas, up near Eiselcross, and the party’s anchor point in the north, would be passing beyond the teleportation window within 24 hours and that the party should make the jump before the following night if they hoped to arrive without issue. 

FCG was escorted up a spiral staircase to their chambers, five modest but elegant rooms overlooking the city. Eris, exhausted from her illness, went straight to bed while the other members took a moment to relax a bit, divvy up their reward, and discuss recent events. They took a look at the few notes recovered from Danbol which indeed confirmed his and Hallion’s connection. As this was FCG’s first night in a major city in nearly a month, and likely to be their last for a while, Triple J, Malcolm, and Nyx decided to head out for a much deserved night of revelry in the city of beasts. Endrin remained behind to identify the trove of magical items recovered from Danbol and to keep watch over Eris.

Triple J had just the establishment in mind for the trio’s night of fun. The bard lead the group on a merry search through the winding streets until they finally arrived at the Broken Moon Tavern, the establishment where Triple J’s parents first met. Triple J, Malcolm, and Nyx took well to the lively, raucous, atmosphere and headed up to the bar for some mead and shots of rum. As they were drinking, a familiar tune, the Ballad of the Grinning Fool, caught Triple J’s ear. Glancing over, Triple J noticed a flamboyant orc with gem encrusted tusks plucking away on a lute. The orc, Gemz, and Triple J had a curious conversation. Gemz told Triple J how a fellow minstrel and Grinner, Heidi Honeylocks, had inspired him to take up the lute many years ago. Through their conversation, Triple J also learned that Hush, Triple J’s mentor, was a mutual acquaintance of theirs and that Hush perhaps hadn’t told Triple J all there was to know about being a Grinner. Pleasantries aside, the two bards took to jamming, filling the tavern with wonderful music.

Meanwhile, the visage of a bloody orc pummeling a hobgoblin in the tavern’s fight pit caught Malcolm’s attention. Noticing the fighter’s interest, the bugbear barkeep offered to set up a bout for Malcolm in exchange for a small entrance fee. Three other combatants were soon found and the match was set. Each warrior, including an almost feral gnoll, an off duty Kryn soldier,  a hobgoblin mage, and Malcolm took their places in their respective corners of the sand filled fight pit. As the match began, Malcolm quickly realized this was no mere tavern brawl as spells began flying and blade sliced through flesh. Embracing the opportunity to test his mettle against some of Asarius’ toughest brutes, Malcolm charged at the gnoll, blade in hand. The seasoned veteran quickly dispatched the gnoll, drawing the combined might of the other two combatants. Despite enduring an absurd amount of magic missiles, Malcolm claimed victory in the fight pit. Malcolm used his winnings to buys drinks for the entire tavern as Triple J lead everyone in praising the fighter’s glory. 

A full on party ensued. After a while, Gemz departed for another engagement, leaving Triple J to navigate the lustful waters the tavern. Malcolm found a suitor of his own in the form of a beastly amazonian-esque orc. Nyx rolled her eyes at the debaucherous pair and headed back to the Aurora Hold for some rest. Triple J engaged in whipped cream and chocolate sauce fueled fornication with goblin and kobold women, while Malcolm brought his orc companion back to his room at the Aurora Hold for a classier affair. Back at the Aurora Hold, Endrin observed with varying degrees of curiosity and disgust as his companions slowly trickled in up the spiral stair. Eventually FCG all found rest in their respective chambers.

Eris was the first to rise the next morning, feeling even more weary from a night of vivid nightmares and fits of coughing. Eris had dreamed again of a great platinum dragon withering away into bone and dust as it flew and then of a city in flames, falling through cloud, crashing into a frozen tundra. Disturbed and confused, the sickly paladin gathered her things and met up with the rest of the group.

As FCG reconvened that morning, Cylan stopped by to thank the group and bid them farewell. FCG then set off to acquire the supplies they would need for their excursion through Eiselcross from the bustling streets of Asarius. As the sun grew low in the sky, FCG made their final preparations and headed back to the Aurora Hold. The group was then escorted down below the spire to a collection of three stone chambers each containing teleportation circles. The party was shown to the rightmost one and instructed to step through the circle when ready. Endrin was met by biting -20 degree temperatures as he was the first to step through, followed shortly thereafter by the rest of the party. Now standing in a freezing, small, dimly lit, wooden cabin, FCG was greeted by a portly bald drow, Captain Ayx’mir Menrose, and his guards. Captain Menrose cleared his throat and, with a bow, welcomed the party to the New Radiance.