Party: Endrin, Triple J, Eris, Nyx, Malcolm
XP: (Milestone)

FCG continued on their journey back to Vurmas, making good time across the frozen valley. Later in the afternoon, a sparse wood loomed on the horizon, causing the party to slow their pace as they approached. Upon entering the snowy woods,  FCG found themselves surrounded and attacked by a group of hungry crag cats and saber-tooth tigers. The ferocious felines tore at the party with tooth and claw,  spraying the snow with blood. Endrin crushed two of the cats into bloody furballs before being dragged off by the party’s newly acquired elk as it fled for its life. Meanwhile, Eris smote, Nyx inflicted wounds,  and Triple J whispered sinister nothings, quickly whittling the hungry predators down. Galgonos did his best to aid in the battle, but struggled to control his lingering powers. Malcolm vanquished the beasts before him with compelled bloodlust before decapitating the last. Endrin returned shortly thereafter and informed the party that their other elk had ran off.  Thinking quickly, Triple J extended his consciousness toward the fleeing mount and successfully lured it back with the thought of food and loving pets. Their group whole once more, FCG continued on through the wood.

The party did not make it very far, however, before an ominous winged shape appeared in the sky. Recalling the threat of dragons roosting in the nearby mountains, FCG scrambled, argued, and ultimately did nothing as the dragon approached. The scaly white behemoth sent ice and rock flying as it slammed down into the snow in front of the party. Clearly angered, the dragon, Galia, accused the party of taking her eggs as she lumbered closer. Eris then recalled the white behir they’d encountered a few days prior and pointed  the dragon toward the more likely culprit. With a frustrated flap of its wings the dragon took off urgently toward the mountains. FCG breathed a collective sigh of relief and headed off in the same direction.

Outside of a brief reunion with Sled, Endrin’s now feral zombie who’d found himself trapped in a block of ice, and the crushed corpse of the white behir, the rest of the party’s journey to Gelier’s northern coast was uneventful. However, despite the calm conditions Eris’ health continued to worsen as “The Woe” continued to sap her strength. Upon the party’s arrival at the shore, Nyx and Endrin shot fire bolts high into the sky in an attempt to signal Vurmas. An hour or so passed before Darvahn arrived aboard a keelboat to ferry the party back to the floating city. The Kryn soldier, seemingly a bit tipsy, informed FCG that the Kryn Dynasty had won a great victory at Bladegarden and that everyone aboard Vurmas was celebrating the news.

When FCG arrived at the docks, they were greeted by Burca Brighttusk who was eager to hear the news of their endeavors with the wormkin. Burca was pleased that the party had at least managed to return with the wormkin’s leader, Galgonos, but was very disturbed by the fate that had befallen the rest. This did, however, provide the orc with an easy segue into FCG’s next mission. On orders from Shadowdancer Emberstone and Shadowhand Thelyss, FCG was to be put in charge of the Kryn investigation into Bladescarred activity in Eiselcross. As part of this assignment, the crew of the Soulsailor was instructed to aid FCG in reaching any islands of interest in Eiselcross, and provide support where needed. As all signs seemed to point to Foren currently, including Eris’ dreams of a fallen city, FCG elected it as their next destination and arrangements were made to set off the next morning.

With business taken care of, FCG joined the Kryn soldiers and wild folk alike for a night of revelry aboard Vurmas. Triple J nearly broke his back attempting a backflip off the mast while Malcolm took heavily to the ale. Though it was a joyous occasion for most, Endrin couldn’t help but overhear a few disgruntled soldiers airing their grievances regarding the continuation of the war against the Empire. It wasn’t until the wee hours of the morning that the festivities began to wane, and FCG retired to their cabin.

When the party arrived at their quarters, they were greeted by their wolf pups along with Speaker Artaema who had been watching the pups while FCG was away. Artaema informed the party that Burca had told her of their upcoming journey to Foren and asked if she could accompany them. She claimed to be able to understand bits of ancient Aeorian as well as have some experience poking around the ruins from her younger years. The value of a translator as well as a native being apparent, FCG agreed to bring Artaema along with them, conceding that a bit of help was always welcome.

The next morning, FCG set off for Foren aboard the Soulsailor. The journey was cold and quiet for the most part, save for a few interesting conversations with Artaema. FCG learned that the goliath was born on Foren and that she had been made an honorary member of the Kryn Den Tasithar due to her influence among the wild folk and a mutual desire to inspire further Kryn and wild folk relations. Two more nights passed before the island of Foren appeared on the early morning horizon.