Party: Endrin, Triple J, Eris, Nyx, Malcolm, Fir
XP: (Milestone)

FCG breathed a collective sigh of relief as they arrived safely within Artaema’s home. Unable to get ahold of either Triple J’s father, Xavier, nor Essek Thelyss, the party decided to venture out to one of Rosohna’s Luxon Chapels in search of a remedy for Timorei’s curse that still afflicted many of the group. Artaema decided to forgo the venture, instead remaining home for a much needed rest. As FCG headed out into the bustling streets of the Gallimaufry district, Endrin was suddenly overcome with a dizzying wave of memories from his past life. The confused gnome struck at Malcolm, but was quickly subdued and brought back to his senses without further issue.

Before too long, FCG found themselves on the steps of a Luxon Chapel. As the party entered, they were quickly met and assessed by one of the fair dark elf priestesses within. Malcolm provided the priestess with a glimpse into Timorei’s malady which quickly sent the priestess running for her superior. Shortly thereafter, she returned with High Priestess Auriel Tasithar. Being that the High Priestess was Artaema’s den mate, Triple J had little trouble convincing her to provide the party with a friends and family discount on the chapel’s greater restoration services. FCG’s afflicted were cured of their curse and ready to hit the town for a night of revelry.

As FCG began discussing which tavern to visit first, the voice of Essek Thelyss entered Triple J’s mind. The faceless dark elf bade FCG travel to the Lucid Bastion, the immense palace at the city’s heart, with utmost haste. The party obliged, gathering a groggy Artaema on the way. The party was made to wait within the Lucid Bastion’s ornate halls for nearly half an hour before Xavier and Essek arrived to greet them. Triple J and Xavier shared a long embrace, the Shadow Dancer clearly relieved to see his son alive and well. FCG was brought to a small, but elegant, meeting room where they were debriefed. The party informed Essek and Xavier of the events and intel they’d uncovered surrounding the Remnants in Eiselcross, carefully omitting the details about the Grimoire Infinitus and its contents. Essek eyed the party carefully as they told their tale, not entirely convinced. Xavier broke the tension in the room, and offered FCG their just rewards for their work in Eiselcross. The rewards included titles as honorary members of the Lens, the rights to Dusk Light Keep, and a hefty amount of coin. Xavier also took the opportunity to introduce FCG to a newfound comrade of his, Fir, a large firbolg whom Xavier had worked with in the northern regions of Xhorhas. Xavier requested FCG take Fir along with them in their adventures, certain that he would be of great aid.

With no obvious leads to follow up on regarding the Remnants, Xavier revealed the reason for their urgent summons. He told of FCG of the Dynasty’s plans to continue the war effort with an attack on the Empire’s military seat, Nogvurat, in five days time. Xavier requested that FCG accompany the Kryn in the battle and act as an elite strike force in the capturing of Crown Marshal Hayden Damurag, the head of the Righteous Brand. FCG tentatively agreed to the plan and were dismissed. As FCG began exiting the room, Essek requested that Artaema remain behind for a moment.

Having buttoned up the events of Eiselcross for now, FCG headed to the Dim’s Inn for a stiff drink and their first night of relaxation in nearly three weeks. Fir dropped a platinum piece at the inn as soon as the party entered, and thus, FCG were treated like royalty all night long. The staff of the Dim’s Inn catered to their every need, even killing, roasting, and shredding up a moorbounder to fulfill Triple J’s request for meat.

Whilst the party ate and drank, an elderly bard and his accompaniment of magical instruments took the stage in the inn’s tavern area. Enamoured with the bard’s arrangement, Triple J approached the stage and began playing along. Triple J’s performance brought a smile to the bard’s face, and at the conclusion of the song, Triple J was invited by his full stage name, Jimmy Jon Jones, to come up and play a few songs. Mildly suspicious, Triple J obliged and kicked off his performance with and ode to Conan II, delivering a joyous recount of the warrior’s life as well as a solemn moment of rememberence concerning his early demise. The elderly bard took his turn to lead next and began performing the Ballad of the Grinning Fool, though he quickly ceded the spotlight to Triple J. With a laugh and a bow, the two bards took a break. As Triple J opened his mouth to question the bard, a small, familiar, humming bird landed on his shoulder as the bard revealed himself to be Triple J’s disguised friend and mentor, Shakaste.

Shakaste came and joined the party at the table for a drink and some conversation. Shakaste warned of dark days ahead and suggested Triple J go check in on his mother in Port Damali and perhaps learn a thing or two from her. Shakaste returned to the stage and left the party to themselves. Finally with some time in relative privacy, FCG reflected on recent events, filling in Fir as best they could. As the party looked to the future, Endrin voted to aid the Dynasty in the conflict but worried for Eris’ well being and conviction. Becoming of nobility, Eris expressed that she was happy to be around the Dynasty for a time as to better understand how the opposing faction lived. Their date with war still a few days out, FCG decided to pay a visit to their keep the next day and then potentially secure teleportation to Port Damali in exchange for the last pages of the Grimoire Infinitus. Plans made, Malcolm and Triple J went off to try their luck with the Xhorhasian ladies while Endrin remained and the table, mulling over his consecution with Eris, Nyx, and Fir.

The next morning, FCG set off for the Ghostlands just beyond the city walls in search of Dark Light Keep. About a half mile outside of Rosohna, the party found themselves winding up a narrow mountain path before they eventually came upon the exposed elements of Dark Light Keep, most of which looked to be built into the black mountain side. Unfortunately, the drawbridge had been left up, leaving FCG with no means of easy entry. Without warning, Fir assumed the form of a Xhorhasian crow and fluttered up to the open ramparts above. The rest of the party waited for a few minutes at the other side of the ravine before the draw bridge dropped with a resounding thud, thus granting them access to the long abandoned keep…