Party: Endrin, Triple J, Eris, Malcolm
XP: (Milestone)

FCG awoke early in the morning, the night sky still hanging overhead, intent on resolving the tension with Essek as soon as possible. Triple J sent a message to his father, Xavier, who invited the party to his apartment to chat. Into the Gallimaufry FCG headed, where they eventually arrived at a pronged tower and Xavier’s home up on the top floor. Robed and relaxed, Xavier invited them in for some breakfast wine in his lavish penthouse. While waiting for Essek to arrive, the party exchanged thoughts and stories with Xavier regarding both the Remnants and the war. Xavier lamented the Bright Queen’s erratic behavior as of late and expressed his own desire for a swift end to the bloodshed. Xavier also informed the party that a few of their old Dynasty associates would be accompanying them as part of the elite strike force in the coming attack, namely Cylan, Lendis, Brett Miller, and El.

Before long, Essek arrived, seemingly floating up the stairs. Endrin cut right to the chase, and handed the Grimoire Infinitus over to Essek for examination. The party explained that they believed the pages in the back to be of importance to the Remnants as well as the reason for the Bladescarred excursion to Aeor. Unable to decipher the complex calligraphy and runework at first glance, Essek stated that he would bring the Grimoire Infinitus back to his lab for research in hope of deciphering the back pages and finally getting a lead on Remnant activity. As Essek went to stow the book, Xavier intervened and suggested that the power of the Grimoire Infinitus would best be left in the hands of those who were more likely to see action out in the field. Reluctantly, Essek agreed and returned the ancient tome to Endrin in exchange for copies of the last few pages so that he could still conduct his research. With that matter settled, Endrin breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Trust gained and allegiances proven, Xavier and Essek also agreed to grant FCG access to the teleportation circle beneath the Lucid Bastion so that the party might come and go as they pleased. Essek helped Endrin copy the teleportation circle into the Grimoire Infinitus while the rest of the party kicked back and relaxed in Xavier’s jacuzzi. 

As the morning grew late, Xavier and Essek were both summoned to another war council and FCG was left to their own business. The party hit up the Grand Gall Market and the Twins’ Gate for a little more shopping. Wondering what to do with the rest of their free time however, given that the attack on Nogvurat wasn’t to occur for four more days, Triple J suggested they take a little vacation to Port Damali on the Menagerie Coast so that he might check in on his mother. Thus, the party headed to Artaema’s home and propositioned her with the idea of a paid vacation in exchange for teleportation to Port Damali. Seduced by the thought of warm sands and fruity drinks, Artaema agreed to accompany them. Triple J checked in with his mom before their departure. Heidi was elated to hear he was coming home and told Triple J to meet her at the Cloistered Fiddle in the Beaded Alley. Arrangements made, Artaema held hands with the party and whisked them away to the coastline of Port Damali.

FCG and Artaema arrived on the docks amidst a warm breezy day, a light drizzle pattering down around them. A sense of joy washed over Triple J as he took in the familiar sights and smells of his childhood home. Looking up, the party was taken aback by the sprawling port town, it’s many districts laying atop tiered leveled hillsides, as well as Wildemount’s only sky port looming high in the distance. The party headed off towards the Beaded Alley, where Triple J’s mother said she’d be. Along the way, the group stopped for some pina coladas and some street pasta where they ran into a pair of Righteous Brand deserters they’d encountered in the sewers of Zadash many months ago. Artaema opted to go off and explore the city on her own rather than get roped into whatever mischief FCG might find themselves eventually tangled up with.

A short while later the party arrived at the Beaded Alley, Port Damali’s cultural melting pot and commerce hub. Triple J quickly picked out the tune of the Ballad of the Grinning Fool lingering on the breeze and led the party to its source. Strumming the ballad was a rather flamboyant halfling named Barnabie. Cool and calm, the halfling challenged Triple J to a bard’s duel. Though he was the better performer that day, Barnabie appreciated Triple J’s spirit and gestured to the inconspicuous lookout across the alleyway who pulled back one of the rugs from her stall and revealed the entrance to the Cloistered Fiddle beyond. 

FCG was met with a lively atmosphere as they entered the bustling tavern. Pushing past the many colored shawls, Triple J quickly spotted his mother, Heidi, sitting atop the bar strumming a tune for many enamored patrons around her. As Triple J ran up to embrace her, Malcolm stood awestruck and tongue tied before the charming, much younger than expected, much more beautiful than expected, figure of Heidi Honeylocks. Triple J introduced his friends and a night of reunion and revelry commenced. Heidi couldn’t stop gushing over the fact that Triple J, Xavier Jr., was finally home. Heidi told Triple J that she and Shakaste had a gift for him to commemorate his growth as Grinner and as an adult, but with the tavern party now in full swing, she said such sentimental business could wait until morning.

As the party raged on, Endrin stayed ever alert. His vigilance was well served when a commotion stirred in the entry hall as well as the sewer chutes within the tavern. A group of thugs and thieves came bursting into the Cloistered Fiddle and began assaulting the patrons as well as the party. Pandemonium ensued as many a commoner were cut down or rendered terrified and screaming. FCG sprang into action alongside the Fiddle’s guards, slinging blade and spell across the crowed tavern. Eris and Malcolm valiantly defended the patrons, taking on a multitude of thugs at once. Heidi was not without her own means of defense and provided inspiration and spots of healing for FCG. Triple J and Endrin plyed their arcane affluence to make quick work of many of the thugs. As most of the marauders lay dead, a rogue lingered behind and stabbed Triple J, and left the bard bleeding out on a table before fleeing the Cloistered Fiddle. Malcolm chased after the the scoundrel while Eris tended to Triple J’s wounds. Malcolm’s pursuit bore no fruit and he rejoined the party.

Shocked, and still mildly intoxicated in some cases, the party assessed the damage and lamented the needless loss of life. Triple J and Eris discovered strange markings on a few of the thugs which Endrin quickly recognized as those of the Myriad, the crime syndicate FCG had worked with to overthrow Zadash’s government. Perplexed by the revelation, Triple J propped up one of the slain thugs and re-animated him so that he could answer a few questions. Holding no real allegiance in death, the thug revealed that they were working on a tip from a Myriad agent named Vepper. Vepper promised to cut the group of bandits in on a score if they provided a distraction for Vepper to steal a valuable object from the Cloistered Fiddle. FCG’s line of questioning immediately turned to Heidi Honeylocks, who appeared just as surprised as the party was to learn that the Myriad was behind the attack. In that moment, Barnabie came running up from the cellar to inform Heidi that an object known as the Chalice of Stories had been stolen. Heidi explained to the party that the Chalice had traditional significance to the Grinners but was of little value otherwise. Puzzled, FCG agreed to look into the mysterious theft, barring they could conclude their investigation with enough time to still join the Kryn war effort. FCG headed elsewhere for lodging that night and laid down to rest.