Party: Henrik, Torinn, Krum, Hyacinth, Belomash, Raith
XP: 1829

“When Raith let drop his magic hut you can be sure the demons were on us quick. The half-orc and the dragonborn moved out into the hallway and saw scores of demons, and made ’em pay with their blades!

“I be reminded of an hymn written by Magister Luther of ancient Myth Drannor: “though hordes of demons fill the lands, we tremble not, unmoved we stand. They cannot overpower us – in battle we’ll be engaged!” Dumathoin silence them forever!

“The wizard proved himself in battle, his bladesingin’ tearin’ through the demons Torinn and Belomash couldn’t get to first. Hyacinth be boostin’ our attacks while me and the elf destroyed the shadow demons meanin’ to flank us. Right handy with that bow, Henrik be…

“Things got dark for a moment when a blasted spell or some such knocked us all for a loop. When I finally got clear of the affect, I saw Belomash for some blamed reason going after a woman who didn’t seem to need attackin! Me and the others tried forcin’ him to stop, and I admit I hit the orc a couple times with me hammer (damn orc is tough!) to try to make him see reason, but then the sword-wielding woman disappeared and we got a chance to regroup, though we dare not rest for long here anymore.

“I can’t be gettin’ my head around why Belomash would attack that woman when there be so many demons to target!

“We be gettin’ closer to answers. Dumathoin’s charge to me will be fulfilled!”