Party: Boarstack, Ilidan, Jax, Kepesk, Warlan, Iluna
XP: 6329
The Maze Engine

Short Synopsis

Led by Gash, the party escapes the maze and makes their way to a small village. They talk with a human that is intent on raising a pack against the minotaurs. The adventurers leave Gash with this human and head to the Gallery of Angels.

Along the way, they encounter some modrons. The modrons are on their way to repair the Maze Engine, and the party offers to escort them. They encounter a battle where a goristro is being attack by the Demon Lord Yeenoghu and a pack of gnolls. After a short conversation, Yeenoghu leaves to allow the stronger “pack” to have the goristro. The party quickly takes out the opposing band of gnolls and they perform the ritual to recover the goristro’s heart.

The party continues along the way to the Maze Engine. They discover that it is guarded by a Nelfashnee demon. Warlan activates the Maze Engine and it lights up the room with images on a domed ceiling. The demon summons more demonic servants and a brutal battle ensues. As the party manages to dispatch most of the demons, the Gold Dragon Aurinax, from Waterdeep, manifests through the Maze Engine’s imagery and lands before the party.

Long Synopsis

Gash leads the party out of the Maze to a small settlement of “Filth-Riddance”. A human with sharpened teeth is gathering a “pack” to challenge the minotaurs. After getting directions to the Gallery of Angels, the party leaves Gash at the settlement.

On their way to the Gallery of Angels, the adventurers encounter a strange procession of modrons. When Warlan asks them about the Maze Engine, the modrons explain that it is known as the “Orderer” and that its malfunction is causing chaos. Since the modrons are on their way to investigate and repair the Maze Engine, the group decides to follow along. The modrons provide Warlan information about how to “reboot” the Maze Engine.

The party agrees to help the modrons fix the Maze Engine. On their journey, they see Yeenoghu and a pack of gnolls fighting a goristro. The party interrupts their “kill”. Iluna somehow persuades Yeenoghu, the God of the Gnolls, to allow the strongest “pack” to claim the goristro. Yeenoghu teleports away and lets the party fight it out with the pack of gnolls. Boarstack, as always, is the most popular party member and attracts the gnolls. Illidan and Jax attack from behind. A surge of wild magic taints the area Iluna and Kepesk cast spells at the gnolls. Meanwhile, Warlan begins the ritual on the incapacitated goristro so that they can take its heart will it is alive. When Iluna begins digging through the flasks of the dead gnolls in search of drink, Kepesk heals her from her madness for alcohol and earns a kiss as a reward (after which he gestures towards his wedding band).

Still intent on finding the Maze Engine, the party follows the modrons. They proceed a few days past a passage that would lead them to the Gallery of Angels, with the intent to double back later. When the arrive at well-hewn maze, they find the Maze Engine in a chamber with collapsed columns and strewn debris. Iluna and Warlan advance forward to find a Nelfashnee demon guarding the area. When Illidan and Boarstack attack, the Nelfashnee demon summons several vrocs to its aid.

Warlan spends time turning on the Maze Engine. Upon activation, brilliant lights emanate from the Maze Engine to illuminate the dome above. The room seems to repair itself.

Boarstack once again attracts a crowd while Illidan and Jax shoot arrows from the shadows. Kepesk summons a lightning storm and Iluna calls forth her own storm, both over the Maze Engine. Warlan protects the Maze Engine with a wall of force before proceeding to engage in combat. The scenes on the domed ceiling show key moments in the party’s recent history, including Illidan killing many people, the party defeating the Elder Brain and someone making a deal with Grazz’t. Despite these distractions, the party manages to defeat most of the vrocs and threaten to slay the Nelfashnee demon.

A scene on the dome shifts to the moment when Illidan had used a dragon-staff to dismiss the gold dragon Aurinax. The image of the gold dragon grows bigger until the physical form of Aurinax appears to step into the room. Aurinax looks towards Illidan and demands the return of its gold.