Party: Krill, Hadrioul, Honu, Maulduk, Eiric, Revali
XP: 1283

The adventurers pay a visit to the Abbott in Krezk.
In the immortal words of Doctor Peter Venkman: “We came, we saw, we kicked its ass.”

Full write-up

The party arrives in Krezk and immediately heads to the Abbey. Upon meeting the Abbot and the woman Vasilka, Eiric delivers the wedding dress to the Abbot. Hadrioul observes that Vasilka seems to have some odd scarring and stitchwork on her skin at the neck and other parts. In return for the delivery, the Abbot brings the Mad Mage out and casts a *greater restoration* to remove his madness. When asked about whether the Abbot could cure Stella Wachter, the Abbot offers to do so if they can escort Vasilka as Strahd’s bride. The Abbot tells the party to discuss the matter on their own (after hearing them going back and forth about it), and to return to him later.

The party takes the Mad Mage down to the city to get cleaned up and fed. While the Mad Mage’s memory has not fully returned, he remembers that his name is something like “Mordenkain…something or other”. The party leaves the Mad Mage ‘Mordy’ at the inn while they return to the Abbey to give their answer to the Abbot. Unfortunately, they are blocked from entering and asked to return in the morning. When they return to the inn, they find out that ‘Mordy’ has left.

In the morning, the adventurers return to the Abbey. Honu uses his *arcane eye* to scout ahead. The eye spies the Abbot and Vasilka in the dining room and in the room above, there is a strange two-headed creature playing an instrument. In another part of the Abbey, the eye reveals a suspicious woman that appears to be an intruder, and Honu keeps his *arcane eye* on her.

The party decides to attack the Abbot for his alliance with Strahd. Unfortunately, the mongrelfolk block them from entering after indicating that the Abbot no longer needs their services. Maulduk pushes past and is attacked by Zygrek the mongrelfolk. Maulduk knocks out Otto while Eiric fries Zygrek.

The party barges into the Abbot’s dining chamber. Upon being challenged, the Abbot sprouts wings and attacks Maulduk. Maulduk recognizes that the Abbot is a deva. The barbarian warrior unfurls his own wings and confronts the Abbot. Honu casts *beacon of hope* on the party. Hadrioul charges in to help Maulduk. Eiric, Revali, and Krill attack the Abbot and Vasilka. The Abbot attacks Hadrioul and knocks him unconscious, but Honu resuscitates Hadrioul. After a long, drawn-out battle, the adventurers overcome and defeat the Abbot.