Short Synopsis
Aurinax demands that Illidan face the justice of Waterdeep or the dragon’s own judgment. Illidan elects to face the dragon and is burned into ashes. Jax collects Illidan’s ashes. The party is joined by the priest Marcus. After Aurinax departs, they head to the Gallery of Angels.
After spending two days at the gallery, the party decides to take the petrified wings of the angels as a reagent of Vizerin’s summoning spell. Warlan leaves a token of friendship with lone female angel.
On their way to the Wormwrithings, they encounter a large band of troglodytes who have taken a female drow prisoner. They easily dispatch the troglodytes and persuade the drow to help them in Menzoberranzen. In addition, the party frees the drow’s enslaved Adbar dwarves.
Long Synopsis
In our last episode, our heroes were confronted by the Aurinax. The gold dragon demanded retribution from the dynamic duo of Illidan and Jax. Our heroine, Illuna, sought to assuage Aurinax’s anger with an eloquent plea. Aurinax offered Illidan the choice of returning to Waterdeep for a trial or to accept the gold dragon’s punishment. Illidan would not let the “lesser” beings of Waterdeep to judge him and could only accept the dragon’s punishment. He knew that fighting the dragon would result in the entire party’s destruction. With surprising valor (and incalculable pride), Illidan stepped forward to meet the dragon’s fiery judgment. Jax collected the ashes of his boon companion. As the Maze Engine continued to restart, people continue to fall into the cavern. The priest Marcus joined the companions on their quest, while Aurinax took the other civilians back to Waterdeep.
The party backtracked to the Gallery of Angels to find eight petrified angels in poses of immense anguish.
When Warlan touched the statue of a female angel, he made a mental connection. The angel was named Anaya and she was in great suffering. After a long debate, the party realized that the petrified angel wings would still work as a reagent for Vizerin’s spell. When Boarstack attempted to get an angel’s petrified wing, the touch drove him mad. Boarstack made an unprovoked attack against Warlan (for the third time, the first being under the Church in a battle with the lamias and the second while journeying through the faerezz-infested Underdark). After Boarstack was shaken free of the spell, he continued on his grim work of taking angel feathers. Warlan prevented him from taking the wings from Anaya. Nevertheless, six angel feathers from six petrified angels were taken (including one where a mantra could be heard when touched). Warlan made a bracelet of friendship, with a message from himself to Anaya inscribed upon it, and fastened it upon the female angel.
Our gallant adventurers then headed northward to seek a purple egg from the Wormwrithings and to find a beholder. Along the way, they encounter troglodytes that have taken a female drow captive. Warlan launched a fireball and then casted a wall of force to protect the female drow. Iron Boarstack, Mighty Marcus and Super Jax charged in to attack with their steel. Lightning twins Kepesk and Illuna obliterated large swaths of troglodytes with their electrical attack. In the heat of battle, Boarstack broke his crossbow. After defeating the troglodytes, the party made an agreement with the drow Zoll. Her freedom in exchange for her aid to see them safely to the Sorcery Towers within Menzoberannzen. The heroes also freed a pair of Adbar dwarves that agreed to help carry Zoll’s trade goods with the promise that they would be freed before reaching Menzoberannzen.
What will happen to our heroes in this upcoming episode? Will Jax accidentally lose Illidan’s ashes? Will Illuna manage to find some demons to destroy? Will Kepesk blow up more enemies in a single strike? Can Boarstack fix his crossbow? Can Warlan stop thinking with the wrong part of his body? Will Marcus get a chance to make Illidan into an undead zombie? Will Illidan remain in ashes? Or will he rise like a phoenix? Stay tuned for this episode of Dragon Heist.